Thursday, July 18, 2013

camp photo dump

Most of you are on Facebook and Instagram, but in case you're not on there, this is for you.  :)

 We arrived safely at camp Sunday afternoon and unloaded the buses and trailer with luggage and waited on our cabin assignments.  This is most of us.

These were my sweet fifth grade girls...Emma in the cubby, then Ellye on the top left, Heather, Holly and Ashton.  My co-counselor was a sweet senior girl named Anna.  We had the best cabin ever...4B.  :)

This was us eating our first dinner there.  Anna is on the left.

Holly is on the left in this pic with Anna~these sweet girls took my phone, took this picture and made it my wallpaper and my lock-screen photo.  ;)  I love them so much that I'm not changing it.

After dinner, we had worship, then a break with a snack, then Minute to Win It!  This was the room before all the campers invaded.  Fun times!

In the morning, after breakfast, we had Morning Watch, which is a fancy name for our quiet time each day.  We would meet in the amphitheater and Austin would go over what we would be reading during this time, then we would split up and go have quiet time with the Lord.  I love this time~it's one of my favorite things about camp.  Austin is teaching the kids how to study God's word with the S.O.A.P. method~Scripture (read it), Observations (write a verse that stood out to you), Apply (apply it to our lives), then Pray (pray over that in our lives).

This was where I loved to sit and study God's word.  Sigh.

After morning watch was time to clean our cabins.  I love clothes lines, don't you?  This picture makes me want to hang one in my backyard.  And our cabin stayed pretty clean!  Our awesome girls were great about making sure to pick up after themselves.  (Girls after my own heart.)

After this time was something called creative movement.  The kids get to pick an activity to do during camp.  They chose from drama, creative movement, sign language, puppets or crafts.  Jonah and Noah picked crafts.  I helped with puppets.

After creative movement was yet another snack, then we had a brief break, followed by Bible study.

Here's the fifth grade girls praying.  This is what it's all about, folks.  And camp is an experience for them to get away and to get closer to God.  We have fun, yes, but we learn and study in an in-depth way, the word of God.  It is awesome.

This is Graham and Holly, leading all the campers in "Little Red Wagon".  We had to sing for our food for each meal.  ;)

This was the mail "Crash" (a.k.a. Drew) sent Todd.  ;)  I love this kid's creativity.

This was the redneck water slide.  Notice all the mud in the pool at the bottom?  Yuck.  The campers loved it, including Jonah, pictured above.

There was also a giant shaving cream war, but I didn't get pictures.  We had a great time away with these kids, worshiping and drawing closer to God.  Our hearts were blessed, and so were the hearts of our campers.  I am so blessed to be a part of our church.  Our pastors are amazing, and I am honored to be able to tell you that our preacher, Brother Chuck is our camp pastor each year.  He comes to camp and stays with us.  He eats with us, he worships with us, and the kids get into shaving cream fights with him.

They love him and they love Austin, our family pastor.

God is so good to us, and this was an incredible few days at camp.  (I know I posted lots on FB...I got some negative feedback on that, but the pictures were for the parents of our campers.  Many of them don't get to go with us, so all those were for them.  If it bugged you, I'm sorry~you can hide me if you feel the need.  I don't ever have to know.)

I pray your week has been wonderful.  Love to all!


  1. I loved seeing your pics! Made me wish I was there! I don't understand why ppl feel the need to voice their "dislike" for what or how many pics you post. It's your FB page isn't it? Your Instagram account? Scrolling is always an option. Sorry...things like that have always hit a nerve with me. I could see if what you were posting was offensive, but really?

    Moving on....

    So glad you had a wonderful time! It's always good when the adults come away as refreshed as the kids!! Love ya girlie!! :)

    1. Rene, I love you. You always have nothing but nice words to say....and for that, thank you. I always love camp pics from others, and you're right, it always makes me wish I was there! We seriously MUST get together soon. Maybe next week?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. comment posted twice so I deleted one of them! :)

  4. Yes! Would love to get together!! What is your schedule? I work Thurs and Friday


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