Thursday, June 27, 2013

word of encouragement Wednesday

From Psalm 91:

 I love the entire ninety-first chapter of Psalm.  I memorized part of it two years ago...verses two and four.

"This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; He is my God and I trust Him.  He will cover you with His feathers.  He will shelter you with His wings.  His faithful promises are your armor and protection."

It goes down further to say that He will order His angels to protect us.  (Verse 11)

I have used these verses over and over the past few years~one time, two years ago, was when Noah was hit by a car.  Another time was when Todd's brother Tim was struck by a car a couple months ago.  I pulled it out once again today as I learned that some of the kids from our church were involved in a wreck.  They're all okay,  they're just a little shaken up and sore.

I am so thankful for His protection over our kids today.  (Only one of my boys was involved, Drew.)  I know that when we are doing something that the Lord is pleased with, the devil is NOT happy.  I, along with several of my friends and the parents of the teenagers who are there, have been praying for these kids ever since Sunday.  I will be honest and say that they are not in the greatest part of town.  I was concerned about them walking back and forth in these neighborhoods.

It never occurred to me that a car load of kids would be going back to their headquarters and be hit from behind.  And have it total the man's car.  (Not theirs, thankfully, though it wasn't able to be driven.)

We have been covering these kids in prayer every day this week...they're the first thing on my mind in the morning, and the last thing I think about at night.  It is very obvious how God has had His mighty hand on them this week.  And yes, even though some of them were involved in an accident, even in spite of this, God is so good.  He promises never to leave us or forsake us, and this week, He has proven Himself to our kids.

Maybe one of them needed to see that proof this week, somebody that might have just been going through the motions but not fully understanding of God.  Who knows?  Nothing He does is accidental.

Today we're under a heat advisory, so they still need the prayers if you would like to pray with me for all of them.  And it's not just kids we're praying for...our group is part of two hundred and fifty volunteers that are staying at Brinkley Heights during this week, volunteers from all over the country~adults, a few senior citizens, and our teenagers.

Thank you for helping me pray for them this week.  Don't stop now, we've still got today and part of tomorrow left.  (I started writing this last night, which was Wednesday, but this morning we're dealing with lots of sore bodies.  One girl who was in the car with them was taken to LeBonheur by ambulance, but thankfully it's only whiplash.  I would imagine all of them are pretty sore, and a couple of them have some bruises, but they're taking ibuprofen.  Nobody wants to leave there...they're just taking things a little easier today.)

Love to all.

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