Saturday, June 22, 2013

why I haven't blogged all week

This has been a great week.  Tiring, but amazing.  This was my view every morning, starting at 8:30.  We had a little over 300 kids show up everyday.

I got to work with some really sweet people and hang out with some pretty cool kids.

These paintings are what we did in 5th grade craft this week.  I love these girls.  :)

I got to hang out with the teenage helpers and leaders and got to witness when they acted all crazy.

Like when the morph suit man showed up and played an impromptu game of Ninja.  ???  I don't know what that is.  They stood in this circle and karate chopped each other.  ;)

We woke up early everyday.

And we came home every afternoon (almost) and chilled out.

We got to see the best puppet show we've ever seen in the history of us being at CFBC.

Drew played a warrior, and Graham played David.  This scene was about David and Goliath.  And yes, it's blacklight, because they're cool like that.  It was amazing and I have heard kids talking about it ever since then.  This was during our family night on Thursday night.  We sang, we laughed, I cried, we watched this puppet show, and popcorn and snow cones were enjoyed by all.

It was an amazing week.  I love how God takes our serving Him and turns it into a blessing for us.  He always does heart has been so blessed by these kids all week, and it was a privilege serving alongside my friends, my "family" of fellow believers.  The love of Jesus was shown to all this week, and His word was taught.

Our theme verse was from 2 Timothy 1:7:

"For God did not give us a spirit of fearfulness, but one of power, or love and of sound judgement."

A to the men.

Hope your week was great~mine was awesome and rewarding.  Love to all.

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