Thursday, June 13, 2013


I pray that I never stop experiencing the magic of Summer.  I was thinking about that today~and praying for the people I know and love who don't get to look forward to these warm months as much as some people.  You know the ones~working moms, single moms, moms whose kids are grown.  I was getting ready for the pool this morning and felt so sad for them.

I love it when the Lord places reminders like these in my everyday life.  We all need to reminded of this every so often, and I think that this is what the phrase, "Break my heart for what breaks Yours" means.  I do pray that~and today I got it.  It's a fun time of year for me, but I know and love so many people who are really going through the fire right now.  My word for them~"Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power."  (Ephesians 6:10)

And trust Him and His plan.  Because He doesn't do anything for no reason.  There's always a plan, always a purpose.  Just commit it to Him and pray and trust in Him and His mighty power.  

On another note, we spent today with sweet friends.  My friend Lori invited us to swim with her, and we had a great time.  I love talking to her and could, in fact, do just that for hours.  I am ashamed to admit that I am sunburned.  :(  I didn't realize how much one side of me was in the sun, and that side is more than just a little red.  I'm so embarrassed.  I did have sunscreen on, I just didn't reapply.

Wanna see some pics?

I promised to get a picture of Graham diving yesterday.  Here it is.  :)  I love his swimming trunks.  

We swam until four, had a yummy dinner (Graham has perfected the art of grilling chicken!) and headed to our town square for the Summer concert series.  :)  I love The Ville, have I mentioned that lately?

We went with my friend Lori, her hubby Webber and their kids, Nancy and Doug.  I'm so glad we went...the weather was amazing.  Even as I write this at almost eleven o'clock at night, it's 75 degrees out.  The wind was blowing, sweet music was playing and we were surrounded by friends.  Does it get any better?

And this is where we went afterward.  Their milkshakes are half price after eight p.m.  I had the peanut butter fudge milkshake.  OH. MY. WORD.  You should definitely try it.  

And some more from my morning, in honor of Instagram's #tbt, or "throwback Thursday":

My sister Trish and me (above) when we were in Reno, Nevada with my Dad on business.  I hashtagged this one, #bighair, #biggerbangs.

This one above is my sister Trish, my sister Terri and me.  This was at my Dad's 80th birthday celebration two years ago.  We were very happy that night, apparently, but I love this pic.

And this is a little something I was working on this morning.  Romans 12 just might be my favorite chapter in all of the Bible.  

How was your day?  Just one more weekday, then it's the weekend!!  I pray I never stop experiencing the joy of weekends, too.  Who doesn't love a Friday night?!  

Thanks for reading, my friends.  Love to all.  

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