Wednesday, June 12, 2013

lazy days of Summer

It is officially too hot to do anything but swim this week.  It's been in the nineties every day so far this week, and today it's going to be even hotter.


I have a new official "low" temperature that I can swim in.  The neighbor's pool was a chilly seventy-eight degrees yesterday, and I took the plunge.  I'm telling was HOT.

The pool felt amazing.

I thought I would share some pictures from yesterday.

Isn't he adorable?  The heads you see at the bottom are Noah (left) and Myles.  I love Jonah's swimming trunks...thanks to one of my sweet friends for handing them down to us.  Ahem, Maria.  ;)

Noah loves to dive.  He does it all the time.  He's also fabulous at doing flips off the diving board.  I love his swimming trunks, too.  Ahem again, Maria.

And this would be Drew.  This is what he spends his time doing.  Goof ball.

(Graham was at home when I took these, which is why there's not one of him.  I'll try to get one today.)

That's what we did yesterday.  All day.  We started at ten-thirty and swam till noon.  We came home and ate lunch and did a little house and yard work, then went back over at about one.  And swam until three-thirty.  I have the tan lines to prove it.  ;)

I'll leave you with one last picture that I love:

I took this on Monday when we were cleaning upstairs.  Jonah made this sign several weeks ago to remind himself and Noah to take care of their beloved leopard gecko, Buddy.  (Original name, right?)  Taking care of Buddy consists of cleaning out his cage, spraying his moss with water to keep him moist, refilling his water, and feeding him crickets.  And then, there are the crickets.  Taking care of them consists of cleaning out their cage and feeding them orange cubes.  Yes, they have pets for their pet.  I love that Jonah made this sign.

I will never win awards for decorating (although I love to do that), but I am SO the Mom who has their artwork all over my house.  It's on my fridge, my front door, my bedroom door, and on the doors of their rooms.  It's also on the side of the homeschool shelf in the living room and in my tornado closet.  It's everywhere.  And I wouldn't have it any other way.

I also have it in a giant three ring binder that I refer to as The Mom Book.  They know when they draw something to either hang it somewhere or put it within the page protectors of The Mom Book.

Today will consist of more of the same.  Our neighbor's nephews are coming over to hang out all day.  We'll swim again.  And tonight there's church.  :)  I love Wednesday nights...I love that everyone is dying to get out the door to church.  We also take a couple of neighborhood friends with us during the Summer months, for Mid-Week Mania.  And tonight after church, Jonah and Noah have a friend coming home with them to spend the night.

I love Summer.  Have I mentioned that?  I do.  I pray your day is blessed, my friends.  Thanks for reading!

Love to all.

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