Saturday, June 15, 2013

just some things

I forgot to post a picture from our night on the square Thursday night.  This is Noah, and he is holding this position on this bar...this kid has crazy strength.  You should see his arms and his abs.

My friend's daughter took this of him.

My dad is back!  He went out of town almost a month ago, and for three Friday's straight, I didn't see him.  Needless to say, the boys and I missed him.  I know my sister did, too.  It was so good to see him and to spend some time with him yesterday.  We ate lunch and then went to the square.  The younger boys wanted to go on the trains and Graham and Drew wanted to go to this new store, Dixie Pickers.  I sat in the car while they had grandson/grandfather bonding time.  I took this picture while I was sitting there.

I love the flower baskets that are hanging all around the square.  I want one.  :)  My mom was leaving work right around the time I took this, so I got out and talked to her for a few minutes while I waited.  When the boys got back to the car, they all decided they wanted to walk to the Army surplus store.  My dad and I ran to drop off some of his mail at the post office, then we drove to where they were to meet them.

It was a fun afternoon.

We came home, and Pappaw handed out some goodies that he and Grandma Sandy picked up for the boys.

It's weird that Graham and Drew are as tall and bigger than he is now.  They do love this man.

For the rest of the afternoon, we sat around and talked while the boys played games with one of Drew's friends who came over for a bit.  It was so good to see my dad again...three Friday's is too long.  Tonight we're celebrating Father's day with him, so I have a date with him and my sister Trish.


I also took this picture of the dogs yesterday and called it "the dog days of Summer".  Aren't they cute?

Well, I need to run.  My coffee just ran out, and that can be tragic.  Happy Saturday, y'all.  Love to all.

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