Monday, June 3, 2013

highlights from our weekend, for the non-Facebook peeps

 This is where my hubby and Graham and Drew have been since Friday around noon: Panama City Beach.  This is church camp for them this year.  Can I just say~I could really get into meeting Jesus on the beach every morning?  I'm a little jealous...if I'm going to be completely honest with you on here, and I try to be very honest and transparent on this blog.

Please excuse the black around the edges~these are screen shots from my phone.  Todd and Drew texted me these pictures.

They swam with this little guy on Sunday.  They took a boat out to Shell Island to see and swim with these dolphins.  Pretty awesome, huh?

I started reading this yesterday.  And have underlined way too much already, just in chapter one.  Ouch.

My beautiful mom made some killer fried okra Saturday night.  And all those yummy desserts...oh my word. The baby birds have grown hair, too!  Aren't they precious?

Yesterday was church day, and my tank got filled back up for the week.  :)  I spent some sweet time in God's word this morning...this is from Deuteronomy chapter 7...verse 9 says this: "Understand, therefore, that the Lord your God is indeed God. He is the faithful God who keeps his covenant for a thousand generations and lavishes his unfailing love on those who love him and obey his commands."

To a thousand generations...

God is so gracious.  So faithful and good.  I pray that you know this love.  This faithfulness.

Love to all.


  1. I read "Unglued" and LOVED it! Lots of highlighting in my copy too! Lysa is a fabulous author!! :)

  2. I'm only on chapter two, Rene...I have to take it in small doses! Ha!


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weekending...the one about my friends taking me out to celebrate my divorce

  Happy Monday, friends! I hope you had a great weekend; I know I did and I wanted to share the highlights with you today, focusing mainly o...