Friday, June 7, 2013

few words Friday

We had an extra teenager all day.  I bought groceries.  We swam.

I satisfied my baby fix.

A friend had six free tickets to the Redbirds game, so even though Todd is working for the sheriff's department tonight, I had five handsome fellas that needed entertaining.

And some of our best friends went, too.  Their daughter and her friend photo-bombed us, but I cropped them out.  Ha!

I don't know what Andy was doing.  I really don't know what Noah was doing.  I notice two things about this picture of Noah: one, he has on the same outfit he wore yesterday and two, could his clothes be any brighter?!

I got my one required shot.

A little downtown scenery.

I took this one of them walking, and Jonah said, "That's two!"  Turkey.

It was a great day and an amazing night.  For all these things, I give thanks to the Lord.  Love to all.


  1. We need to get out to a Redbirds game soon. We always try to hit a few every season. Love all your pics from the game!

  2. Can you believe it's been almost three years since we've been to one?! It's been way too long, so we had a blast. Thank you! You know I blog with pictures now because of you! So thanks for inspiring me. :)


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