Saturday, June 15, 2013

Father's Day

It's a mighty full and rewarding weekend.  I say this after I had some time with Jesus, because my attitude last night was not at all pleasing to Him.  (Keepin' it real on here, I promised I would.)  I might have gotten a teensy bit upset with my husband over his work schedule.  Not his paid job.  The volunteer one.  (I am seriously digging a hole for myself here, but if I'm going to be up front enough with one of my dearest friends to ask her to pray about my attitude, I might as well speak that same truth on here.)  Anyway.

The Lord showed me some things.  And He helped me make some things right.  Once that part was finished, the weekend has been great.

My sweet mom picked me up at 9:10 this morning, and we spent the day together, hanging out.  I love being with her.  We shop really, really well together, and I got the privilege of driving her around.  I kinda felt like drivin' Miss Daisy.  Not that she's old.  She's not.  It's just that I was her chauffeur.  ;)

What is my problem tonight?

Moving on.

My sister and I had a hot date tonight.  With the same man.  (Scandalous!)  He dined us (he did not wine us) at Carrabba's.  It was so yummy, and my best friend's hubby made our night so much more special.  He's the manager there...he totally took care of our bill!  The amount was $0.00.  Can you believe that?  I gave him the biggest hug before I left.  My sister wanted to treat my dad and me tonight, and I fully believe that because she wanted to bless us, God in turn, blessed her!

Happy sigh.  Y'all.  God is so good.  I pray you know Him.  If you don't, if you only knew what you were missing out on.

Here's some pics from our hot date:

 I love this picture!  The best one ever...and some stranger took it for us.  After we ate dinner, we decided we need to walk a little of it off.  ;)  We went to the courtyard area of the Carriage Crossing mall and people-watched.

Then we had a little photo shoot...because I'm that kind of gal.  And of course, you KNOW they're all going to end up on this ole blog.  And Instagram.  And Facebook.

Trish and Daddy.  (above)

Daddy and me.  :)

Daddy has some mad photo skills!  Especially for someone who still has a dumb phone.  (His words, not mind.)  I adore this picture of my sister and me.

We sat and talked and laughed and cried.  It's usually me who's the emotional wreck, but tonight it was Trish.  And of course, I sit and type this and now I'm crying.  I only tell you this because I am glad it was someone else for a change.  Except that now I am doing the same thing.

I wish I could explain why...but as I type this, I'm listening to Chris Tomlin's Majesty.

"Majesty, Lord of all, let every throne before Him fall!  The King of kings, O come adore, our God who reigns forevermore!"  And I am overwhelmed at the love of my Jesus.  Never take a day, not even one single day, for granted.  Only God Himself knows when we will draw our last breath, and trust me~you don't want to be caught not knowing Him.  Don't waste a moment~pour yourself out.

I love the quote that says, "When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything You gave me'."  (Erma Bombeck)

Well, now that this has gone a whole different way, I will go.  I'm listening to my praise music while the boys finish their "guy night".  They ate pizza and hot wings and watched two movies~Snitch and they're now watching The Amazing Spiderman.

I'm jamming to some Jesus music and trying not to bawl my eyes out.  I keep on sneaking a peak to see if they're looking at me because I keep crying and blowing my nose, but so far they haven't noticed.  I'm going to stop writing before they do...otherwise I will have them making crazy-signs at me.

Thanks for reading...I hope you all enjoy your day tomorrow.  Love to all.

(Oh, and our celebrating continues!  We still have my step-dad to celebrate, and Todd's dad.  We're celebrating Big Daddy tomorrow night and my father-in-love when they get home.)

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