Wednesday, May 15, 2013

what not Wednesday

We had a first today~we went to a strawberry patch and picked 4 quarts of strawberries!  They are so good...we came right home and washed them off and sliced some to mix around with sugar.  I'm thinking about going super domestic and attempting homemade jam for the first time. 

The choir's still out on that one.  I'll keep you posted.

Here are some pictures from today:

 My one mandatory picture from every outing.  ;)  I've become quite the master at getting them all to look pretty decent in one shot. 

Noah's hands.  {above}

Jonah's hands.  {above}

Graham took a couple of pictures of me, since I'm usually {always} behind the camera.  ;) 

 For my friend, Shari.  ;)  I sent her this picture in a text while we were there...we had been texting about this place before we went this morning.  Thanks for your help, sweet friend!

 I would loved to have heard what they were talking about.

 Here's a few of our strawberries after they were all washed.

 And lastly, these two stood and cut the rest of them up so I could sprinkle a little sugar on them.  They used my new kitchen knives I got for Mother's day.  :) 

How was your day? 

Love to all. 

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