Thursday, May 16, 2013

Mimi's Birthday Party

I have a really sweet family who loves to give birthday parties...and because of that, I love to give birthday parties.  Todd is one of two sons that his parents had, and his brother Tim lives near Nashville.  Because of that...we're pretty much all his parents have here.  So, I tend to make a big deal out of birthdays. 

Tonight was no exception. 

Noah was home alone with me today.  Jonah went to work with Todd, and Graham and Drew were at a student council thing in Germantown all day.  He was a huge help to me today!  We made brownies, wrapped a gift, and he hung streamers to his little heart's content.

 His little creative juices were flowing.  The gift was not store bought, but a "blessing book" we made for her.  It's the first one I've ever done for someone, and as much as a labor of love it was, it was worth every second.  {It will NOT be the last one we do, I assure you.}

After eating a yummy dinner of grilled chicken, roasted potatoes, asparagus, and bread, Mimi opened her gift.

 I love her face in this picture...some of the words were written in bright yellow, so Todd had to illuminate the pages so she could read those. 

 Unfortunately, in this family, a party isn't a party until Mimi goes down.  Tonight's unfortunate mishap took place in the man cave, where Mimi was coerced into sitting in a new bean bag chair.  When Graham and Wiley helped her up, she came up...and kept on going over, where she very {un}gracefully fell. 

She also might or might not have knocked over the shelf in the boys bathroom...but some things are better left unsaid.  ;)

It was a fun day and night, and I am so thankful for all the help my sweet Noah gave me.  :)  Love to all.


  1. We LOVE b-day parties at our house too!!! I get so (mean) on party day because I want everything just right but the kids always say it was worth enduring me for the best parties ever.

  2. Ha...I totally understand. I had so much to do today, but my sweet Noah was a huge help. He did the decorating and helping me with dessert. This was a really fun, relaxing night...and my oldest song did the grilling of the chicken, so that pressure was off of me! He did amazing, by the way. ;) My little 14 year old chef.

  3. Sorry to just getting around to comment. That was one of the best birthdays I have ever had!!! I have been showing off my Blessing Book, Graham did a great job on grilling the chicken and you did a great job on the rest of the food. Jonah had very fun decorations! I know that Drew and Jonah would have contributed more if they had been home. The GRACEFUL fall was the funniest part of all!!!!!

  4. I'm glad! You mean Noah's decorations, right? ;) The graceful fall...oh my word. Priceless. There are no words to describe!


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