Thursday, May 30, 2013

gettin' things squared away

I've been busy, so the blog has been neglected this week.  Plus with Monday being a holiday, it's throwing my week off.  Todd, Graham and Drew are leaving for camp tonight~they're boarding the buses at 11:30 and driving all night to Panama City Beach.  I've been trying to get laundry done and things bought for this trip, so you can see my dilemma.

Yesterday Graham went to GPC to help our homeschool group get cookies made for today's huge carnival. They made 583 cookies!  Whew...almost makes me sick to my stomach.  My amazing friend Lori shuttled Graham to and from this...and I so appreciate her.

Jonah and Noah spent some time at my favorite neighbor's house.  I know they enjoyed not having to shop with Drew and me.

Drew and I went to Walmart and bought things for camp.  Things like snacks, sunscreen, sunglasses, a beach towel, shampoo and body know.  Things like that.  After our trip to the store, we came home and got him mostly packed.  He is so OCD about some things, and us being gone allllll day today was really bothering him.  He likes to be prepared, which is why he wanted to get packed yesterday.

Well.  I need to finish this last cup of coffee and get out the door.  I am so thankful that the Lord has given us beautiful weather today for our carnival!  If you are looking for something mostly free to do (all is free, except for drinks, candy and food) come out between ten and two to Germantown Presbyterian Church!  There will be bouncy houses, laser tag, a petting zoo, face-painting, and some pretty amazing kids leading worship...Graham is playing the drums.  I hope to see you there!  Also, if you homeschool, you can register to join our group for this coming Fall semester!

I will leave you with a picture from Tuesday night:

Love to all!

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