Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Wednesday What~Not

Michael Buble never gets old.  As I write, he's singing his newest single on The Today show.  Even if it's weird that he's singing a song about a break up...very un~Michael Buble, but still...I could listen to his voice for hours and hours. 

Also, as I write, Drew is on the couch with ice on his arm.  He tried to break it last night while riding his ripstick in the driveway.  A hundred and twenty something pound teenager does NOT land lightly.  God love him.  {We think his wrist is sprained, not broken.  The bruising and swelling have already gone away, now it's just sore.}

There is not enough coffee in my coffee in my coffee pot for this morning.  I had really weird dreams last night, and for the last hour that I was sleeping, I think I was having a conversation out loud. 

I'm doing a  new devotion/study on the book of Philippians.  On the YouVersion app, there is a devotion called She Reads Truth that I love.  I had a linky thing at the top of my blog to take you to the website, but I'm doing an older study and can't find it on there, so I removed the link.  Anyway, this one's on the book of Philippians.  I do love me some Philippians.

I also love The Today Show.  I love Savannah, Natalie, Matt, Al, Willie...and the fact that Michael Buble is co-hosting today.  ;)

Last night after dinner, I enjoyed sitting outside while my super hero hubby fixed our weed-eater.  Graham had gone to use it a couple times, and it wouldn't start.  I mentioned it to Todd, and out he went to work on it.  I do love a man who knows how to make repairs!  He's my real-life handyman.  ;)  I might have snapped a picture.

I tried to not get him in the picture, since he HATES when I take pictures of him.  So I got his super cool tool bag and his hands that I love. 

While I sat and drank an after-dinner cup of coffee with caramel macchiato creamer {YUMMM!}, I watched Jonah ride his ripstick. 

The crack you see between the wheels is the same one Drew busted it on.  Jonah's brushing up on his skills, trying to get more comfortable on this thing.  He's doing really good!

I had to take a picture of Jonah's tennis shoes~I love them, and love the laces.

Aren't they cute?  For this ten year old boy, the brighter, the better.  I love them, and I love the personality he has to own to be able to wear them confidently. 

Well, I need to go refill my coffee.  And get started on school stuff.  Happy Wednesday!  Love to all.  {My feelings won't be hurt if you comment.}


  1. Eric was fighting with our weed-eater all Monday evening. I think the weed-eater ended up winning. It will turn on for 15 seconds and then turn off. Very frustrating.
    Looks like you are enjoying some great family time over there. Miss seeing you everyday at school or carpool lines.

  2. I wish I could find a bible study or get better at navigating the Youversion app!!! Uggg!!!! I would love to comment more but apparantly I can't navigate that either:)

  3. I think he finally got ours's funny, I was sitting out there with him, but apparently I wasn't paying attention to what he was doing. HA! I miss you, too! We need to remedy that.

    Shea, I had issues with my YouVersion app when I first got it...I think I had to delete it and then start all over again. My issues were with signing in. It seems easier now that it's been around a little while longer. Thank you for commenting! I feel loved. ;) If you try to comment from your phone, the blog won't let you. I have no idea why. I've heard people complain about that before.

    I miss you~it was good seeing you at Go Fish a couple weeks's been forever I feel like!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...