Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday What Not

{I told you I wouldn't use that word random anymore.}

I'm going on day two of a mom sick day.  :-(  It's just sinuses, but I'm all bleh feeling.  My ears, head, throat and jaw hurt.  I told you...bleh.

May I let you in on a little secret?  You know how on pictures, on Twitter or Instagram posts you see the # symbol?  It's called a hashtag.  A hashtag is a way for you to categorize pictures, like the one I put on Instagram earlier with the # {hashtag} before the words "dumbdog" with no spaces between.  If you are on Instagram or Twitter, you can click on that word with the # {hashtag} in front of it, and it will take you to other pictures within that same grouping.  You can also categorize Twitter updates.  For instance, the other day on Twitter, I answered a question they asked on The Today show, and I wrote #teamwillie.  Again, with no spaces, so they could get a head count on how many people agreed with Willie, or how many people agreed with Natalie. 

Here's the secret part: if you are using a # {hashtag} on Facebook, it makes no sense.  On Twitter and Instagram, that word with that # in front of it will be blue, which means you can click on it as a link to see similar groupings.  On Facebook, it is not blue.  It is completely and utterly useless.  It's not just a cute or funny phrase.  It actually means something.  Here's the pic I posted on Instagram and Facebook earlier:

As a caption to the picture, I said, "We are SO about to be less one dog." #dumbdog #evilknievel

Now I know you can see the hashtags on Facebook, but it's because the picture automatically posts on Facebook from Instagram.  Had I clicked on either of those hashtags from Instagram, it would have taken me to other pictures with that same hashtag.

Do you feel smarter? 

It's just been bothering me, so I had to enlighten some folks. 

Noah and I spent some quality time together last night listening to music.  His current favorite is Toby Mac.  If you're my age, do you remember DC Talk?  They were my absolute favorite back in the day.  It's funny that now my kids are still listening to the same dude.  Did you know that he will turn 49 this year?!  I hope I look that good when I reach that age.  

We're going to a membership class at church tonight.  :-)  We figured that we would make it all official and join our church.  Not that it really matters one way or another, but I want my boys to know that this will be their home church. 

My current nailpolish color {from OPI, of course} is called, "You're a Pisa Work".  The shocking thing about this color is that it's hot pink.  I don't usually do hot pink.  ???

Crash {Evil Knievel} has been banished to his bed for the majority of this day.  I finally let him out of his kennel after a two hour time out, because as you can see in the picture above, he destroyed our plant.  He ate most of it and pulled the other parts out. 

I am a cat person, NOT a dog person.

Because of me not feeling well, we watched The Karate Kid today.  The newer one, with Jaden Smith.  I love that movie.  I love the original, too, although in it the language is horrible.  The original, not the newer one.

Tonight after church, I'm hoping to finally watch Parental Guidance that we bought for the kids for Easter.  Oh!  Speaking of Easter, Jonah said to me yesterday, "I know there's no Easter bunny, Mom.  Really?  A giant Easter bunny who delivers gifts?  That's just weird." 

Then he pointed the Walmart sticker that was still on the movie. 

I died laughing.  I am so often humbled by my kids.  That's a good thing, in case you're wondering. dog is whimpering at the back door, so I'm going to go let him out.  Even though I'm sure he doesn't really have to go...he probably just wants to chase a bird. 

Story of my life.

Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. FYI Jonah was questioning me about exactly where the elves lived and how many there were and how they could make all those gifts. He said Santa had to buy some of them because one of his gifts said "Made in China" and he didn't think the elves lived in China. I went on about how they had to have help with so many gifts but that Santa did deliver them all!!! He is a very observant smart little boy!!!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

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