Thursday, April 25, 2013


I can't believe we're already back to a weekend {practically}.  Our week has gone by so a good way, but still.  It's been an exciting day.  Our homeschool group is officially out for Summer.  I'm excited and bummed, all simultaneously.  We've met some AHHHMAAAZING friends through this group, and I'm seriously bummed that I won't be seeing them every week.

I will see some of them, though...did I mention that I was asked to be a small group leader for our Bible study?  Us leaders will be meeting together during the weeks of Summer to have a Bible study together.  I'm excited, because it will be small, and we'll be in a great position to get know each other better.

Jonah and Noah had their pinewood derby race today.  I think I mentioned the cars they made last weekend?  Jonah placed third!  Noah's wasn't quite as fast, but it didn't was just fun for them to be able to participate.

Graham and Drew took a STOMP class this semester and loved it.  Graham got to be in a group that did a routine to that Cups song that's on the radio right now...they were amazing!  I'm trying to upload it to YouTube...if I can get it uploaded, I'll share it on here.  Graham had a little solo...proud mama moment!  I had chills watching them, but you'll be glad to read that I didn't cry.  {I cry at the dumbest things, like when my niece Erika used to perform for us before Memphis Elite would travel to Nationals every year.  Seriously.}

I got a new cell phone.  The LG Spectrum bit the dust.  I loved the phone, but have had problems with it since day one.  I'm back to the HTC Incredible 2...I say I'm "back to" because I had the original Incredible.  I love it!  It's not as big as the Spectrum, but it's so much better...faster...clearer...I'm happy.  I even got my cute new case in today, too~it's a greenish blue.  Kinda like sea-foam green from the Crayola box back in the day.

Todd's parents came over tonight.  We set up the new phones and had brownies and coffee.  And we made our vacation plans for the year!  I'm so excited...we're going to Williamsburg, Virginia for a week.  While we're there we plan on going into D.C. at least twice.  There's so much I want the boys to see and experience...and it'll be a wonderful, educational trip.  We're not going until September...the week of the seventh.  I'm particularly happy about that date, because regular school will be in session, so the crowds will be much less.  :)

I can't wait!

I love living vicariously through my kids...and I'm excited about them going to a different part of the country.  I got to travel all the time as a child, and I am so anxious for them to experience that as well.

Well, the video is only at 46%, so I'll post it tomorrow.  It's way past my bedtime.  Love to all!


  1. How's the new cell phone? Still liking it? Logan is wanting to go with an Android phone next time he upgrades. I am kind of wanting something new and different than the iPhone, but I have a fear I will regret it.

  2. I love it! I do miss the extra inch or so of the larger screen I had, but everything else is awesome. It even has great ringtones and notification sounds. ;) Because that's what's important, right? It's super easy to operate, too.

    Oh, and the camera! My most important and used feature~it's amazing. I have to have a really great camera.

    I would suggest playing with one first...I know you're an Apple lover, so I don't know if you would love it or not. We were the opposite, so for us it worked. You're more than welcome to try mine on for size. It's been ages since I've seen you!


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Friday Favorites, 3.14.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! I hope you've had a great week! Mine has been epic; stay tuned until the end to find out why. Here's a few ...