Tuesday, April 2, 2013

some things

We have had an extremely lazy day.  I haven't felt good all day, so we've done a lot of sitting and just being.  I decided to re-read my favorite series of books ever written. 

The Yada Yada Prayer Group, by Neta Jackson.  This series of books...oh my word!  I love the characters, and I love the way that women from different denominations and walks of life meet together to pray and encourage one another.  It just resonates deep down in my soul.  I think this particular series goes all the way through book six, with another series following, The House of Hope series.  And after that is even another series!  I haven't read them yet, though, and can't remember the name. 

I actually can't wait to finish writing this so I can jump back into the book.  I'm a book nerd, I know...have I mentioned that lately?

I started a new devotional/Bible reading plan with YouVersion yesterday.  I found the actual website, too, which is really neat.  If you look to the right of your screen, you'll see the button for She Reads Truth.  You can read a little about the devo there, if you're interested.  I love coming across little gems like this!  This devotion is all about praying prayers of praise.  I think it's what put me in the mood to re-read my favorite series ever.  God is speaking to me about prayer right now...I can't even recall how many times I've heard people speak on the importance of it lately.  It all started with our Life Action revival at church, then a speaker came and talked about it at our Bible study last Thursday, and now this devotional.  And you know I don't believe in coincidence, right? 

It must be a God thing.

Speaking of reading, if you need something to read, scroll along the bloglist at the right of your screen...I've come across some really great ones, lately.  I love Jen Hatmaker's blog. I came across a new blog, written by the daughter of our new Sunday school teacher, My Wandering Heart.  Meagan is wise beyond her years, and has some pretty wonderful things to say.  I love Emily Freeman's blog, Chatting At The Sky.  I strongly recommend all of them, if you have a little free time. 

On a different note, today, I have not been able to have self-control regarding these little evil things:

Starburst brand jelly beans.  Oh my word.  These little dudes are amazing.  I particularly love the orange colored ones...they taste like peaches! 

Today as I was driving home from retrieving Graham's pillow from his friend's house, I snapped this shot really quickly:

This used to be Collierville Christian Church (I think!), but now it's a museum.  One of these days, I'm going to go inside.  I've been wanting to ever since they completed the renovations. 

So, that's about all I've been up to.  What about you?  Thanks for all of you who have stopped and taken a moment to comment!  It makes my heart oh so happy.  :)  I hope your night and tomorrow are fantabulous. 

Love to all. 


  1. Thanks for the shout out! I will be speaking on April 28th in your sunday school class. I cannot wait to meet you!!

  2. Hi! You're welcome! I can't wait to officially meet you...even though after reading the majority of your blog, I feel like I already know you! Glad to hear that...I vaguely remember your dad telling us you would be speaking. Can't wait!


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

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