Monday, April 1, 2013

Oh! Happy Day, Happy Day...

{Those are the words from a song we sang in the choir I used to be in at F/A.  They seemed fitting for this post.}

Yesterday was a glorious day.  Resurrection day!  My youngest loves and I got baptized in the early service at church.  All of our parentals were there, and lots and lots of friends were there with us to witness the beautiful occasion.

Wanna see some pics?  For the non~Facebook peeps?

I love this pictures for so many reasons.  It's kinda blurry because I had to zoom, it was dark, and the color was weird.  But isn't it beautiful?  It looks very surreal, and very anticipatory, as my niece Amanda said.  I would have to agree.  And do Jonah and Noah not look like little angels?  Oh my word.  I love my kids.  Do I say that enough?  And this is Austin, our amazing children's pastor.  He and his beautiful wife Amy and their family are so very special to me and my family.  We love them all so much...and because of this, Austin baptized me as well.

This baby was so nervous, but he did so good!  I was so proud of him and this decision.

I love his sweet little hands in this picture.  Noah went after Jonah, which was Jonah's only stipulation~he wanted to go first.

After Noah, I went, then a sweet girl named Rebekah went after me.  I am so glad it happened that way.  Rebekah was nervous, and it helped her to see me go first.  God worked out all the little details of our morning.

This was after it all was over.  We skipped the first service and went to the second.  Graham and Drew hung around upstairs to help Jonah and Noah change and get their hair all dried and stuff afterward.  Then as I got dressed, they all sat in the hall upstairs with Austin.  He didn't have anywhere else to be during that service either, so he took the opportunity to hang out with them.

It was a special day, indeed, and because of all that took place, the "kid" side of Easter took a back seat to everything else...which really makes me happy.  Our day was so meaningful, and one none of us will ever forget.

Love to all. 


  1. Yesterday morning we sat in front of your Dad in church.... I thought about you a lot, wished I saw you as well and also thought about your wonderful, special morning!!!!

    P.S. we didn't say Hi to your Dad or we did shake his hand but I didn't tell him who we were because Cary said he wouldn't remember him, ha!

  2. YES!!! It was a very special Easter!! I am so thankful getting to see my grandsons and my beautiful "daughter" get baptized. I am a very blessed Mimi.

  3. LOVE these pictures! If I know you like I think I do.. you were one emotional mama. I love that y'all all did this together. A special day that you will always cherish. Love you!

  4. Aw, Katie! Thank you for these sweet words! You totally should have shaken his hand, and he would remember your hubby...not as well as Chris, but he would have some recollection. I hung around with Chris all the time back in those days, and he usually would be the one to drive me home from church on Sunday nights.

    Thanks, Phyllis and Christa! You are absolutely right, Christa, I cried the entire time and makeup kept running while I was trying to get dressed! Ha! Love you and can't wait to squeeze you this weekend!

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