Saturday, April 27, 2013

like honey to my soul


time with my best friend, Amanda.  Man, I love her and our impromptu times spent together.  She came over and had dinner with me in my alone-ness last night.  I'm so thankful for her beautiful self.  We seem to have a hard time saying goodbye, too...

time spent at our beloved church.  I'm thankful the Lord stopped us in our tracks and turned us around back when we were considering looking at other churches.  Austin and Amy Whittington are the most amazing people, and I love their heart for the Lord and for our kids.  They make it such a joy to volunteer.  :)

friendship in general.  I had a sweet time talking about prayer with some amazing kids today at our Family Worship Workshop at church.  My friend Sharon and I led this booth together this morning, and we were able to compare our friendship~getting to know one another better in our ten years of being friends~to getting to know the Lord better through prayer.

Do you have a church home?  Are you local and looking for one?  Or are you stagnant in church right now~not really going that faithfully?  May I encourage you to give it a try again?  Or for the first time?  I love our church home.  Did I mention on here that we joined?  We are now members of this amazing family of God~and our kids.  I love knowing they have a church home.  Not that membership is the be all and end all, but we thought it was important for our kids.

This picture above is from our morning at church.

Well.  I'm going to run.  And do my nails.  Or something like that.  ;)  I hope your Saturday is amazing.  Love to all!


  1. We long for a church home. I have missed having a church family since I've moved here. I am looking for a place to call home. We have been visiting you know where but I'm not sure it's the place for us. I miss the relationships. I would also love to be somewhere closer to my home. It feels like I drive out east for EVERYTHING!!

  2. I will be praying for you, Esther, I know how hard it is to not have that place to belong to. It's taken us a while to feel "at home" at our church, but after two years, God has finally brought it all around. I don't wish church~looking on anyone, it is so HARD! And I know what you mean~each family has different needs, and while not all of them will be met, I do know that God has a place for you and your sweet family.

    Keep looking, I know it's out there, my friend! (((HUGS)))


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