Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Birthday, Drew!

Doesn't it seem like the year 2000 was just a couple years ago?  Remember all the hype that came along with this new millenium we were entering into?  {And why does my spell check not like the way I spelled that?!}

On this day, thirteen years ago, Andrew Myles Goodwin came wailing into this world.  He was my strong willed child.  The one who cried the most, laughed the hardest and just about busted my ear drums on a day to day basis.

He was also my most tenderhearted child...the one who can cry in an animal abuse commercial, a defender of the weak, the one everyone fought over sitting next to in class.

He's my Drew.  :)

Yup.  That one.

The one who has always loved to shake his booty.  The one who is obsessed with his hair.  The one who is the social butterfly.  The one who loves and memorizes music.  The one who always asks me to 'please, please, please, just paint one fingernail!'.  The one who cries the hardest when his heart is broken over saying goodbye.  The one who is the craziest and most funny.  The one who mortifies me in public.  The one who loves to sing.  The one who loves to write.  The one who loves food.

That one.

The same one who once buried my car keys in our flowerbed.

The same one who fell out our kitchen window when he was a toddler.

The one who hid the twins when they were around nine-twelve months old.

The one who stuck a Cheeto up his nose.

The one who kills the big bugs in our house.  The one who screams like a girl when you scare him.  ;)

The one who most often asks me, "Mom?  Can I help you with anything?"

The one most like his daddy.  {He is SO not my child.}

Happy birthday, Ruby.  You can read this for yourself in the morning on Facebook, because you are FINALLY Facebook legal!  I love you so muchness.  

 Love to all.

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