Tuesday, April 16, 2013

a small gesture

I was worried about pulling Graham and Drew out of their middle school in the middle of the year.  Have I mentioned that?  But after much {MUCH, MUCH, MUCH} prayer and petition, we did just that.  I was still worried that I was somehow damaging them...by taking them away from their Christian clubs, their friends, the rigidity of school work.  {Are you laughing yet?}

But it's funny how God proved over and over {and OVER and OVER} again that He cared for them much more than I could ever dream of caring for them.

"And if God cares so wonderfully for wildflowers that are here today and thrown into the fire tomorrow, he will certainly care for you. Why do you have so little faith?"  Matthew 6:30

I read that this morning in my quiet time, and it seems appropriate for what I'm writing today.  

God proved, once again, how much more He cares for them today.  Graham and Drew have become really involved with Gen SC {student council} at our homeschool group on Thursdays and have met some of the sweetest friends.  These are a wonderful group of teenagers that we have come to know and love.  {And yes, I just said that about teenagers!}  Today, as a service project, they did yardwork for a sweet lady in our Bible study group, Ms. Pat.  Ms. Pat's husband died unexpectedly a year and a half ago, and her yard was in desperate need of attention.  I dropped them off at her house in Germantown at nine and went to pick them up at 12:45.  They pulled weeds, cleaned out flower beds, raked leaves and as a bonus, spread mulch where she has flowers.  

It's funny how God works in those who work to bless others.  Those working are often much more blessed than the one they're reaching out to.  I know, in just the half hour or so I watched, my heart was so joyful as I pulled away from her home.  

I love teachable moments~not in school, but in life.  

Today I was able to remind them of James 1:27:

"Pure and genuine religion in the sight of God the Father means caring for orphans and widows in their distress and refusing to let the world corrupt you."    

We are to do just what these precious teenagers did today~be the hands and feet of Jesus.

I don't know if I would have ever had this moment had the Lord not provided me with the opportunity to homeschool my children.  Isn't that just like Him?  To bless my heart throughout this entire process?  {Not that everyday is a walk in the park, I'm just talking general picture here.}  He is infinitely good and faithful, even in the midst of where we are.  

Whether that be homeschooling, being a wife and mom, or as spectators of what happened yesterday in Boston.

Yes, even there, He is with us.  

Love to all.     

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