Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tuesday & Wednesday, days 132 & 133

I totally just wrote "Tuesday & Thursday".  Um, last time I checked, there was a Wednesday in between those days.

My brain is muddled.  We've had a LOT of friends at our house this week, can you tell? 

I'm looking forward to camping so I can have a break!  Not really...I'm looking forward to going camping so we can all get away together.  :-) 

I am so thankful the weather has been nice this week~it's been a tiny bit chilly, but the boys don't seem to mind.  They've been outside nonstop. 

I am so thankful that for a couple hours last night and a couple hours today, I got to spend time with two of my best friends. 

Last night, my sweet best friend Mandy came over and we watched the finale of The Bachelor together.  (Did you watch?  I think this was my favorite season ever, and I was so happy he picked Catherine!)

Then, today, I got to see another best friend of mine, Marcia.  I haven't seen her since Christmas!  Not that it matters~we're the kind of friends who will always be friends, no matter time or distance. 

I am so blessed in this area, and trust me when I say that I thank God every single day for the friends He's given me. 

How has your week been?  Are any of you still out there?  All the comments I get lately are spam-y comments.  Does anyone still read this?

Just wondering. 

Love to all. 


  1. I still read!! :) Sorry I didn't make it by yesterday. I didn't even leave the house. We enjoyed a nice day at home and it was wonderful! I do still want to borrow that book though. Just let me know when is a good day to stop by. Sounds like you are having a great week over there too! This break has made me really look forward to summer!

  2. P.S. I feel like I am always talking to myself on my blog! I question if I should keep it going all the time. However, it is more about being an outlet for me than it is to be read by others. Know what I mean?

  3. Thanks for the comment! I totally forgot about that! I would have been here, I just forgot about it. We'll be gone tomorrow late-ish afternoon until Sunday, so maybe you could stop by around noon? I hate to make you wait for it. It's been an awesome week...and it's continuing! We're leaving to go camping with the Corley's excited!

    I feel the same way about this blog that you do, it's more for my kids and me than anybody else. Have you been getting spam comments on yours? I keep on having to delete comments...don't know what that's about. I was wondering if Blogger was somehow blocking my friends' comments. My mom-in-love has had problems commenting in the past.

    Thanks for being you. Pretty awesome. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

March Moments

  Happy Tuesday, friends! I thought I'd talk about some favorite moments from this month. Can you believe we're at the end of March ...