Friday, March 29, 2013

Good Friday & the day my sweet Daddy turns 82

Happy Good Friday, my friends!  What a day to rejoice and celebrate.  I pray that if you have this day off with your kids, that you spend some time reflecting on why today is so important. 

This morning, I read Luke 22, 23 and 24.  It takes us through the crucifixion of Jesus, then His rising and walking on the road to Emmaus with his disciples.  I read something that I don't know if I've ever noticed before.  It was from chapter 24 of Luke, verse 32.  One of the disciples is saying, "Were not our hearts burning within us while He talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"

Then later on in verse 45 of the same chapter, it says, "Then He opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures."

He opened their minds to His word. 

Do you pray for God to do that for you?  I have before...and I've prayed that He would make me fall completely, irrevocably head-over-heels in love with Him and His written word.  I haven't always been...I'm not saying my heart had been hardened, but my spiritual eyes and mind were definitely closed. 

The Lord draws us to Him, and only when He knows that we will respond.

He has chosen us, He has set us apart for Himself.  I love the verse in Revelation 22:4 that says, "They will see His face and His name will be on their foreheads." 

I like to think that His name is already on my forehead, visible to other believers and to Him.

I say all this to challenge you to spend some time with Him today.  It's a holy day set apart for Him, so let's be mindful of that and do this today, for Him.

I promise you that you will not regret the time spent doing fact, I dare say how much better your day will be.  Spend some time in worship, in prayer, and in reading His word.  And if you want to get your praise on, go to YouTube and search for "Crown Him" by Chris Tomlin~you will not be the same after listening.

Love to all. 

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