Saturday, March 23, 2013

for husbands and wives

A wife needs...

her husband to lead her gently.
to be her husband's helpmeet and strongest supporter.
to respect her man.
to feel loved by him.
to be told how pretty she looks.  Often.
to not nag.
to hold hands.
to tell her husband 'thank you' for his hard work in providing for your family.
to feel noticed.
to kiss her husband at least twice a day.
to feel that her husband always has her back.
to let her husband know that she always has his.
to have a happy face when her man comes home after a long day at work.
to be courted and romanced.
to tell her husband nicely if something is bothering her.
to not expect him to read her mind.
to understand the differences between a man and a woman.
to be thankful for the spouse she has.

I know I am.

Love to all.


  1. Thank you for that great blog! My sweet husband is all that to me and I tell him all the time how thankful I am for him (already told him today). I never take him for granted and try my best to be all that for him. I am proud of your husband and you too!!

  2. I LOVE this! A wonderful reminder. =) Love you friend!


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