Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Ah Campin' We Will Go!

This time tomorrow night will find my loves and me sitting around a campfire, roasting marshmallows.  :-)  I can't wait! 

Until then, my list of things to do keeps growing.  And growing, and growing and growing...

I have to go to our school tomorrow to take care of some admin stuff for the instructors, then to Walmart for a few last minute items, home to finish laundry, then we all have to pack, then load up, then...

Off we go!

We're going with some friends of ours from church, and hopefully this time, we're keeping it simple.  I think I always say that and end up taking half of our worldly belongings, but it's good to think positively, right? 

I'm praying for no rain and no sickies!  Every single time we go (almost), it either rains or someone's sick, or both.  First Noah was sick, then me, last time it was Drew...I'm praying for sunshine and health!  And no spiders would be nice.  As long as I'm listing things I don't want.

Weather permitting, we'll be staying until Sunday.  We've never stayed the length of a weekend before, so it should be fun {interesting} to see all the crazies people that come out. 

Because you know, every time we go camping, we some crazies people. 

It's like they come out of the woodwork.

Well, I'm going to finish my book now.  I haven't read in two days, which is an all time record for me, I think.  I've been too tired each night.  Or watched too much tv.  I don't even want to discuss how long I watched tv last night, by the way.  I was up until almost one o'clock this morning.

Ridiculous, I tell you.  Absolutely ridiculous.

And a guilty pleasure of mine.

Love to all!

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