Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's day {day 106}

As much as I dislike the commercialization of Valentine's day, I am thankful for this day.  To me, on a day purposely set aside to celebrate love, it just reminds me of how much we are loved by an Almighty God. 

And I am thankful that by His example, I am able to show love to my family.  Not in gifts or trinkets, although we did buy them a little something, but in love and creating memories. 

It's not everyday that we have steak for dinner, but we did tonight.  I take delight in making something for dinner that they all love so much.  And steak seared on the stove top in olive oil and a little butter and finished in the oven for about seven minutes, is amazing.  Well, it's amazing if you like yours medium rare, which we all do.  Thanks to Big Daddy.  ;-)

Along with the steak we had oven roasted potatoes in olive oil, salt and pepper, salad, garlic break and for dessert, individual molten lava cakes. 

It was every bit as delicious as it looks. 

For dinner, we actually set the dinner table, complete with folded napkins, thanks to my Graham.  We had flowers as a centerpiece and candles that were lit.

It was beautiful.  I wish I'd snapped a picture, but I was too busy finishing everything up.

And the flowers that served as my centerpiece were a huge surprise today.  Todd and I don't celebrate this day at all, and never really have.  I asked him not to waste money on the high price of flowers on this day years ago.  It seems like such a waste to me, but anyway, earlier today Graham and I went to Kroger.  As I was finishing up on shopping, Graham told me he had to go see something.  I finished the shopping, checked out and was about to head outside when he came up to me.

I didn't think anything of it.

Fast forward two or three hours.  I walked into the kitchen, and there were beautiful carnations on my kitchen counter!  Graham had $5 to his name that my mom had just given him for Valentine's day {she gave all the boys $5}.  He ran and asked the lady in the floral department what he could buy with that money, and she gave him several rose, or these flowers were a couple of the choices.  He only had $5 though, and not enough for tax.  She told him that she was so impressed with him buying these for me on his own, that whatever money was leftover after he paid the $5, she would pay the remainder.

Sniff, sniff.

With kids like mine, who in the world needs a physical gift?  I know I don't.  These little guys of mine are God's gift to me.  I am so blessed to be their mom, and I thank God for everyday I get to spend with them.  To know that God trusted me with these boys is another thing that is unfathomable.

I don't know how long I will get with these boys, for they're not mine but His, but for each and every second I get, I thank Him for it.  And the fact that I get to walk side by side with my best friend in this journey of parenting?

Amazing.  I am beyond blessed.

Love to all.  


  1. Thank you, Katie~I really, really am. My cup is overflowing. Not just boys, either, but an amazing man they can all look up to, and who has taught them well. :)

  2. So now I am crying again! I actually read today's before I read this one and I cried at both of them. I am blessed to call this my family!!! Last night we actually had candles, tablecloth, china, cloth napkins with steak, baked potatoes, salad and grape salad and rolls after having fruit and dip and pepper jelly and cream cheese and then had pecan pie and ice cream for dessert. Paul and Nita celebrated with us and they brought me beautiful roses. Your day sounded a lot like mine but I didn't get to have any special little boys in mine. BUNCHES OF LOVE!!!

  3. Sounds like the perfect valentines day! It inspires me to write about mine. Graham is TOO SWEET. I know your heart was bursting!

  4. Oh, Phyllis~imagine that, you crying! Ha. It was a wonderful day, and it does sound a lot like yours! I'm glad y'all celebrated with Paul and Nita, that makes it special, too! I know you're glad to have them back. :)

    Christa, it was a wonderful day, and yes, my heart was overflowing. So were my eyes! Ha! I'm glad I inspired you, I miss it when you don't write. I lurve you!!!


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