Friday, February 1, 2013

just some things

I love Friday mornings.  It's the morning that I let the kids sleep later, I enjoy an extra cup of coffee and watch The Today Show.  I know, I know~say what you may about Matt Lauer, but I have tried other morning shows, and none compare to this.  And I love Savannah, too.  I even love the fill~in's, Willie and what's her name.  (My mind has gone blank.)

Todd rode with the sheriff's department last night.  He told me a funny story, and I thought I would share.  They got a call from dispatch, saying that a limb was down in the road somewhere.  The call was really for a deputy, but they were right down the road from it, so he called in saying he would go.  Dispatch asked if he wanted to disregard the deputy (whom he knows), and he said "yes".  They got there, and it turns out it wasn't a limb, but a tree.  They pulled out the chainsaw and started cutting it to get it off the road.  The deputy they disregarded came by to talk to them while they were working, and when they were about to be leaving, they heard tires squealing.

There was a hill not far from where they were, which this car flew over, and when he saw the rescue unit and deputy, the guy slammed on the breaks, sliding every which way.  Todd said he almost plowed into the deputy.  Needless to say, his friend ran to get in his car, and laid the pedal to the floor.  He pulled him over, and issued a ticket.  Talk about horrible timing!  I thought it was hilarious.

I was looking on the calendar at February the other day, and did you know that there is an actual 'take your child' to work day?  I can't remember the exact date, but I think it's either a Wednesday or Friday, the last week of the month.  Ahem, Todd.  :)

One of my favorite shows comes back on this Tuesday!  I can't wait...I am shocked they waited this long to come back on air, but whatever.  For those that care, it's Smash.  Can't wait! 

Well, as exciting as this post has been, I need to go take a shower.  I will put an end to my lazy morning.  I hope your Friday is fantabulous!  And your weekend...I'm looking forward to some Super Bowl food and commercials Sunday night.  :)  Do you have plans to watch?  Or not?  ;)  Love to all. 


  1. I love the today show too! What do people say about Matt Lauer? I have never had an issue with him.. I always feel like i'm sitting down and having a conversation with you when I read your blog. Love it! Can't wait until Smash! Wish we could watch it together. Love you!!

  2. There was a huge controversy over him not like Ann Curry. And as much as I love her as a person, I never cared for her as his co-anchor on the show. She's better at news and such, not the same at all as what Savannah does now. I LOVE Savannah!! I might like her as much as I liked Meredith Vierra, and she was my fave. :)

    I cannot WAIT until Smash! And The Bachelor airs twice this week~Monday and Tuesday! WHAT?!?!?! I'm on overload!!! I wish we could watch them all together, too.

    I lurve you, Christa! I need a phone date soon. :)


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