Monday, February 4, 2013

day 96, Monday

Things we did today:

*We woke up and had breakfast.  (Well, I don't really do breakfast most mornings.  They enjoyed waffles.)
*We had devotion and prayed, and said goodbye to Todd.
*We watched a thirty-minute movie that Jonah has been dying to watch on firetrucks and a fire station.
*We started school. 
*While they worked, I started preparing dinner to go into the crockpot.  Graham helped with the details.
*We paused to go upstairs and clean out the closets in each of the boys' rooms.  I folded a load of clothes.
*We finished all the work we had today.  (There was a huge gap in time between this one and the one above.)
*We had lunch, because by this point, it was time to eat again.
*While we ate, I started reading The Chronicles of Narnia to them. 
*Two of them complained. 
*When I got to chapter two and announced that I was going to stop, they all begged me to keep reading. ;)
*I read another chapter to them. 
*We loaded the car with the bags we filled from the closets.
*We went to Pet Smart to buy the pet gecko some crickets to eat.  Because who doesn't have pets who need other pets?!
*We went to get my car washed.
*We vacuumed it out.
*We took Graham to the library.
*We dropped off the bags at Goodwill.
*We came home.
*I read some of my book.
*Jonah and Noah fed Buddy the gecko some crickets.  We all loved on him a little.
*We cleaned up all the work that was completed today.
*I did a few more things for dinner.
*The neighborhood kids arrived home, they went out to play basketball.
*Jonah and I cut the potatoes for dinner.
*We waited for Todd to get home, and for dinner to finish.
*Todd came home.
*We ate.  It was so good!
*The boys each cleaned and rinsed their plate, then loaded it into the dishwasher.
*I finished cleaning the kitchen.
*Todd forced Evil Knievel and Twinkles, the loudest cat on earth, to have some bonding time.
*He did not get his hand bitten off, I'm relieved to say.
*I'm about to leave and go watch my show with my best friend.
*When I get home, I will talk to my hubby for a little while.
*I will go upstairs and read for a bit, then I will fall asleep while holding my book.
*I will look forward to doing it all again tomorrow.  :)

Sometimes our life is mundane.  It is never boring.  It is full of routine.  For these things, and so many more, I give thanks to my Lord and Savior.

Love to all.  

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