Sunday, February 3, 2013

day 95, Sunday

Super Bowl.  Divided households.  Lots of yummy munchie-type foods.  Friends.  Family.

Is that what you think of when you think about the Super Bowl?

It is for me.  As college-football-watching people, we've never cared much for NFL.  We always watch, though, but I get the most excited about the commercials and the food.

I love some munchie food.

Tonight was not disappointing.  We went to my mom's and step-dad's for the game.  It was fun, even though my husband couldn't hardly hear without his surround sound.  (Aw, poor baby.)  I do not love watching tv without DVR.  It's so nice to be able to pause and rewind certain commercials or plays.

The hot wings Big Daddy fixed made up for all that, though.  And the cheese and sausage plate.  And the banana pudding, and the chocolate covered strawberries.  :)  It was so good.  

Even though I didn't watch the game much, I love being around our family.  I'm so glad we live nearby the majority of them.  That's what I'm thankful for tonight.

Love to all. 

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