Saturday, January 5, 2013

Picture-Full Post

 I thought I would share some picture magic captured by our friend and photographer, Jerry Pillsbury.  He has seen my kids grow up and only he can capture pictures of them like this.  He's pretty amazing. 

I'm so thankful for these loves God has given me.  :)

I LOVE this. 

This is my hubby's parents and brother and sister-in-law and all the grands.  Isn't this cute? 

A little of what I've been up to this week:

This was a sweet text my Dad sent me while I was recovering from whatever I'm allergic to.  It's been a little freaky around my house this week.  I had some crazy reaction to something I ate.

I started some new devotions for the new year this week.  The purple book is my Bible, the journal Jonah picked out for me for my birthday, then a couple devotion books I'm doing and finally, some useful reading material.  :)  I do love books. 

I'm not reading through the Bible again this year, but I do plan on doing some Bible reading each day.  Even if it's only a few verses.  I love this passage taken from Proverbs 2.

And this sweet, cuddly boy who wouldn't leave my side yesterday morning.  He was extra huggy that day.  :)  He was sitting with me as I had my quiet time. 

That's all, folks.  Love to all. 


  1. This is one of my favorites ever!!! Wonder why? You always have pictures I love but for some reason these seemed extra special to me. I loved seeing you show how much you love God's Word and your devotions. My heart is so happy that God has blessed me so much with such a fantastic family!!!! (and everyone so cute too!!!) I love you Jennifer Goodwin!!!

  2. Aw! Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. It was fun sharing this...and I had fun that day at the park, getting our pictures made, although I never thought I would have. Thanks for planning that for was a special time, indeed.

    I love you, too, Phyllis (insert bad word/middle name) Goodwin!


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