Thursday, January 24, 2013

day 85, Thursday

Today, I am thankful for good medical insurance!  I went to an allergy doctor today (allergist?).  I wrote about having an allergic reaction to something back on New Year's day, remember?  I'm not sure what it was exactly, that made me react that way, so my general practitioner told me I needed to be tested.  (I had to go see her for a shot of steroids and a prescribed steroid dose pack.  My skin was on fire and I had a horrible rash all over my body.) 

So today I went. 

I don't really know what it is I'm allergic to, yet.  I was really nervous going in this morning, because I didn't want to have another reaction.  Thank the Lord, she decided to let me have my blood drawn, and they will test that.  I should hear something back in about ten days.  Until then, I have to stay away from salmon, shellfish, and white fish. 

She also taught me how to use an EpiPen.  I am to carry one around with me at all times.  After I get the prescription filled, that is.  They're pricey little suckers, aren't they?!  I need a coupon!  All joking aside, at home, I am safe.  When we eat out, I'm not, just because I don't know how well they keep food separated.  She told me that the next time a reaction occurs, it would most likely be much worse.  Most likely it would involve me not being able to breathe or swallow. 


I'm thankful for God's protection, too.  It could have been so much worse than it was a few weeks ago. 

Love to all. 


  1. I hope they can figure it out for you. Noah had the same reaction after taking pain medicine with codeine following his surgery. The doctor didn't think it was the codeine so he gave him another with it. Same thing. Poor kid. Of course, that meant he got Demerol instead which he said was good stuff. Although not as good as the morphine in the hospital. LOL! We later had him allergy tested due to other things, and he's allergic to just about everything outside. Grass, trees, weeds, etc. He's on weekly allergy shots so hopefully they'll help. She said he'll definitely be on them for several years.

  2. I hope so, too~she was pretty confident that the test will show I'm allergic to salmon. The way I kept reacting, and how it got worse the next day.

    That is awful about Noah~I am allergic to codeine, too. And hydracodone. I think it's a breathing issue with both of them.


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