Saturday, January 19, 2013

day 80, Saturday

I was going to make this a Facebook status, but then I reminded myself that I hate "public" (SOCIAL MEDIA) displays of affection.  So instead, I'm writing on my blog about it. 

This really isn't social media, by the way.  It's a blog, a journal of sorts, that people read.  I am trying to justify my actions to you and I don't know if it's working, so I'll stop. 

Plus, I'm really not "bragging", I am expressing my gratitude on this eightieth day of being intentionally thankful. 

Seriously.  I'm stopping now.

On this day, I am so very thankful for a resourceful husband!  My dishwasher started making a strange and mysterious noise yesterday while I was running a load of dishes, so I turned it off.  The noise was really loud, and it sounded the like the whole machine was about to take flight. 

I mentioned it to my man last night, and lo and behold, he took it apart and found the problem.  :)  I now have a (mostly) clean kitchen, (mostly) free of dirty dishes, and a like-new dishwasher.  All for under twenty-five bucks.  And it's mostly clean because I have four sons and one extra here right now.  My kitchen is never totally clean because of that fact. 

So, Todd, if you read this, please know that I think that you are the manliest man ever to be born on the face of this earth.  I love and appreciate you so much!!!  (They say that men LOVE public affirmation.  I get about two hundred hits a day on my blog, so is this public enough?  Now that I've thoroughly embarrassed you?)  ;)

Oh shoot.  There's that public display of affection again. 

Love to all. 


  1. I'm sorry I keep commenting, I'm just now catching up on your blog.
    You are so blessed with such a sweet hubby!!!!!

  2. I am! You and I are definitely among the blessed! It's okay! Comment away. :)


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