Friday, January 18, 2013

day 79, Friday

I am so thankful for time with my sweet Daddy.  I know I've probably been thankful for this before now, but I can't help myself.  If we didn't have our Friday's together, I don't know that we would see one another very often.  We've spent Friday's together for the past eight or nine years. 

I also thoroughly enjoy the time we spend with our other grands~Saturday nights, Thursday nights~we'll take whatever we can get.  I love that my boys have such great relationships with our parents. 

On another note, I am freezing as I write this.  I don't know why, but I cannot get warm!  I finally went upstairs to change into my fleece pajama pants, a sweatshirt, and Todd's thick hunting socks.  I also made a pot of decaffeinated coffee.  :) 

Our Friday night is another divided night.  Drew's at a birthday party, Todd and Graham are at a RiverKings hockey game with the band of brothers group from our church's youth group (a big bro, little bro kind of thing), so it's Jonah, Noah, their best friend Andy and me. 

I started my night watching Friends, but it's turned into a Duck Dynasty marathon.  I can't seem to help myself. 

How are you spending your Friday night?  I hope it's with the ones you love most.  Love to all. 


  1. That is wonderful the way you spend Fridays together.
    Last night, for my Friday night, I got to meet my moms high school friends. They giggled and had fun together like they were still teenagers, I loved it!

  2. Thank you, Jolie~I try to never take that time together for granted. Especially since he's eighty-one!

    That is awesome that you got to meet her high school friends!!! That is exactly the way best friends should be. :) Thank you for reading and commenting on my blog! I'm going to go take a look at yours now! God bless!


  3. So I went to your blog and was like, "Oh. Duh." ;) Ha! I didn't recognize the picture by your name.

  4. I think it is so wonderful you get to spend Friday's with your Daddy. I see my Dad only a few times a year and we still have a wonderful relationship but if we lived closer then it would be better.

    We watched duck dynasty all night as well... :)


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