Monday, January 7, 2013

day 68, Monday

I love the newness of a new year.  I love when things just start falling back into place.  My heart is so torn in two, though...with half my kids being educated at home, and the other half being educated at the middle school.  I'm constantly battling guilt and sadness because Graham and Drew aren't here. 

I know that's not of God.  But it's something I struggle with daily.  I wish I had a magical solution that would make me stop feeling this way, but I don't.  All I can do is pray...then pray some more.  I can also stay in God's word about this. 

Just keeping it real on here.  I struggle, too.  I know how I choose to react is up to me, though.  I have to be strong for Graham and Drew, though, and remind them that the next school year is not very far off.  Before we know it, May will be here, along with, hopefully, their last day in the public school system. 

All this being said, I am thankful for the moments I have at home with Jonah and Noah.  We're having a really quiet, relaxed morning.  We're working on some of our simpler subjects today, because I am meeting a sweet friend for lunch, and I need to shop for a few groceries for dinner tonight.  I have our candles lit~Jonah has one on his desk, and one is lit here at the kitchen table for Noah. 

That gently flickering candlelight helps us feel tranquil and calm and peaceful.  It's something I picked up from a homeschooling mom's blog that I read, Women Living Well. 

I pray that your day is wonderful and that your week is smooth and uneventful.  Ours should be pretty good~we start back with our co-op group this week and tonight we'll be cheering on the Crimson Tide!  Roll Tide Roll!  And love to all.  :)


  1. I hate that I do not keep up with your blog more! I love reading it and keeping up with you though! God is faithful, and will reward you well for your faithfulness to the homeschooling endeavor! Of course you knew all of that!! :)
    Love ya Sister!

  2. Thank you, Leesh! He is faithful...thank you for your encouragement! Love you!!


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