Saturday, January 5, 2013

day 66 and the weekend!

We were a house divided last night.  Todd worked with the sheriff's department,  and Jonah and Noah spent the night with their friend Andy.  I had some Christmas money burning a hole in my wallet, so I decided to cash it in, along with a little money my Dad gave me yesterday, and had a date night with Graham and Drew. 

It was much needed.  I have spent quality time with their younger brothers because of homeschool, but I desperately needed that kind of time with the older two.  Just to assure them that they are every bit as much loved and cherished and treasured.  So, after dropping off their younger brothers, we ordered take-out from our favorite Chinese restaurant.  :)  A little sweet and sour chicken goes a long way at nurturing, I am convinced.  We also ordered egg rolls and fried rice.

We ate our amazing dinner and went to the movies.  We NEVER go to the movies.  Never, ever, ever!!!  It's one of my favorite things to do, but because of how expensive it is, we don't go.  Occasionally I will go with a girlfriend, or they will go with a friend if they're spending the night with someone who's going, but we always wait on the movie to come out on Blue Ray. 

We saw Parental Guidance, with Billy Crystal, Bette Midler and Marisa Tomei.  It was so good!  It was very clean and downright hilarious.  There was not one bad word in the entire movie.  The characters hinted at sex a couple of times, but they were all married couples, and well...that's what married couples do.  I don't mind when my kids hear things like that, as long as the couple talking about it is married. 

It was a great night.  All this leads me to day sixty-six of being intentionally thankful.  I am so grateful for good, quality time with my sweet boys.  I'll take the time any way I can get it~two of them at once, or just one at a time.  Last night was exactly what we needed, and I loved having them sit beside me, hearing them laugh at all the same parts I was laughing at.  I love that these boys are growing up, and becoming polite young men.  It does my heart so good to see them flourish before my eyes. 

Well, that's about it for my sixty-sixth day of gratitude.  I hope you enjoy your weekend and your families.  I know I will.  Love to all. 

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