Saturday, December 29, 2012

wonderful weekend

Friends came over.

We all slept in until 9:30.

We don't have much going on today, just a trip to Costco, to Pet Smart, to Kroger and to the library. 

We're staying home tonight, so I'm whipping up a big pot of Pioneer Woman's Simple, Perfect Chili for us to enjoy. 

The weather outside is frightful, so we're all staying inside (well, most of us), all bundled up.

I'm enjoying having my new candle lit~Christa and Jason gave us a candle for Christmas, and it smells so good.

We have church tomorrow, and I can't wait!  We didn't go last week because of Todd and Graham being so sick.  I'm looking forward to worshiping on the last Sunday of the year.

We don't really have plans tomorrow night, either.  I love the family time!

It's most definitely a wonderful weekend.  :)

Love to all.

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