Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Tuesdays Unwrapped

I'm linking up with author Emily Freeman over at chatting at the sky for a new (to me) idea for this ol' blog.  Click on the title of her blog and it'll take you straight to the place she writes. 

Tuesdays Unwrapped is about celebrating the lovely, the messy and the unexpected.  It's about forgetting about the condition of your immediate surroundings (dirty windows, a messy house) and finding God's goodness in the everyday life around you. 

I had an unwrappable (yes, I made up that word) moment this morning during my quiet time.  I was looking through my Bible and lovingly running my fingers over the pages of Isaiah.  Something in chapter 45 caught my eye.  I stopped and read it:

v.6...so that from the rising of the sun to the place of its setting men may know there is none besides me.  I am the LORD and there is no other.

My quiet time place to sit is at my kitchen table.  It always has been, because I like to write and take notes.  Sometimes in the morning hours, the sun shines so brightly over where I sit that I have to close the blinds.  Today was not one of those days.  It's really overcast here this morning. 

But as I read these beautiful words, all of a sudden the sun peeked out from behind its hiding place. 

As I read a little further down, the sun started shining so brightly that I could hardly see.  The table and the pages of my beloved Bible were so awash in sunlight that I was temporarily unable to see anything else.  I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and reveled in the feel of the sunlight warming my face. 

As I enjoyed the few moments that this happened, I am reminded of the fact that God has swept away our offenses like a cloud (Isaiah 44:22), much like He swept away the morning clouds so I could see His brilliance. 

Because every time I see the sun, I am reminded that He is the light of the world (John 8:12). 

All around me, my kitchen is messy, I'm not dressed yet, these windows you see are cloudy with who knows what, and I need to start our school day. 

But still I sit.  Just a little longer, soaking up the goodness of my Savior. 

And thanking God that He chooses little moments like these to reveal Himself to me. 

I encourage you to sit and soak up some of Him today, in the midst of the crazy all around you.  Don't get so caught up in decorating and buying for Christmas that you forget why you're celebrating.  I'm talking to me, too. 

Love to all.  (Go check out Emily's blog!) 

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