Thursday, December 27, 2012

project 365, day 57

Happy birthday to my sweet hubby!  Who just got home...and has a migraine-type headache that was so bad that he got sick on the side of the road.  :(  Poor thing.  I hate to see anyone that sick...I just hope this passes before ten o'clock tonight.  He and the boys are going to a middle school lock-in at Incredible Pizza.  Drop off is at ten, pick-up is at six a.m. 

Makes me tired just thinking about it!  I don't know who has more fun, he or the boys. 

It's been a great day here in our house.  I have three extra boys today~my neighbor's kids and Drew's friend.  They rocked at helping me tear down all the Christmas decorations today!  I'm so grateful for their help.  It is so nice having older boys who help out so much...whether it's what we did this morning, or taking out all the Christmas trash. 

It's nice having all those extra hands! 

They worked so hard alongside me.  To celebrate, we had lunch at Chick Fil A and did this after we ate:

Will, Graham, Drew and Jonah played  football while Myles, Zander and Noah rolled around on the turf.  Literally. 

Will and Jonah fell down in exhaustion after running the length of the entire football field. 

It was a fun day, and it's not even over yet.  I'm so thankful for helping hands...and for little acts of kindness. 

I told the three extra boys that they didn't have to help, but they all wanted to.  I appreciate things like that so much!  It's nice to know when kids do things that are nice without anyone watching them, ya know?

One of my favorite Bible verses is Colossians 3:23~Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart as working for the Lord, not for men.

These boys did that today.  And Graham did that at Chick Fil A today~there was an elderly man with a walker trying to balance himself and his trey, so Graham jumped up to help him.  He put his trey on the table for him, then went and got him napkins, a straw, ketchup and sauce for his sandwich.  Before we left, he asked the man if he needed anything before he had to go. 

I had a little talk with Graham, Drew and Drew's friend about always being kind to others.  I pray that if my dad is ever in that condition that some kind young man would jump up and offer him assistance. 

And thinking of that made me cry.  So while amidst all the crumbs on the table and milkshakes and laughter, this mama sat and bawled her eyes out in the middle of the restaurant.  It's funny how little moments like these are eye-openers. 

I want to look for more opportunities like this~for the boys and for myself.  I want to love more like Jesus. 

Love to all. 

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