Wednesday, December 26, 2012

project 365, day 56

My mom and step-dad came home today from Colorado.  The boys and I went to the airport to pick them up.  It's always so much fun going there.  They've never flown before, the boys, so it's all super fascinating to watch the planes land and take off.  I'm always amazed at how something so huge can fly so effortlessly through the sky.

Anyway, here are some pics from our time there today.

I don't know what Jonah has going on with his facial expression, but I assure you, he's not in pain.  Contrary to what his face looks like in this picture.

They were guessing which planes Nana and Big Daddy were on as they looked out here:

And wouldn't ya know it, we were getting hit with the smell of coffee from Starbucks.  So I spent some of my Christmas money and bought them all these:

Two mocha fraps, one with peppermint flavor added, two peppermint hot chocolates and one salted caramel mocha.  :)  Everybody was happy, happy, happy!

I snapped this of Jonah people watching:

I do love these boys of mine.

Today I am thankful for how close we are to all of the grandparents.  Trust me, there are times when I would love to live far away from Memphis, but what a gift my kids have in enjoying their grands, as I affectionately call them.  Today Noah said he was so glad we lived close to them all, so they could see them anytime they wanted.  This was as we were waiting on their plane to land. 

I couldn't agree more, Noah.  I was so glad to have them back home. 

Love to all. 

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