Tuesday, December 4, 2012

December 4

I know it seems trivial, but really, it's not.  Not in my eyes, anyway.  I'm very thankful for our garage.  It's a small thing to be thankful for, but really, it's not.  Some people don't have garages.  Some people have garages, but have too much junk in theirs to be able to use theirs. 

It's a very rainy day here in The Ville. 

Of course, this is the day I picked to do errands after school work.  I had to make a trip to Costco, and a stop at Pet Smart.  Someone has a birthday coming this week, and I needed food to cook for his dinner Thursday night.  The someone is Big Daddy.  ;) 

Then I had to go to Pet Smart to buy some more pets to feed the pet.  Did you get that?  Buddy the lizard gecko eats crickets, and he was fresh out. 

I needed to go to the library, but after being soaked through my clothes, we decided to head home instead.  When I pulled into the garage, I immediately thanked God for our home with its nice two-car garage (more like one-sided garage and one-sided storage of kid's junk).  The minute I pulled in and the noise inside the car quieted, Jonah whispered, "Phew.  I'm glad we're home."

My thoughts exactly, little guy.  My thoughts exactly. 

Love to all. 


  1. Seriously, we think too much alike. I always thank God and also tell Wiley how thankful I am for a garage especially when it is raining or very very cold. Today I was so thankful that Todd had to come to the house to pick up a part and while he was here was sweet enough to put my Christmas boxes back in the attic so I could get my car back in the garage when I came home. I am so blessed and don't take anything for granted!!! God is so good to me.

  2. Ha! I remember us having this conversation before, and every time it rains and I park in my garage, I think of you. :) Great minds think alike!

    Thanks for commenting. I feel so loved when I see the comment button lit up! Hope your week is going good!


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