Saturday, December 1, 2012

day 30/Christmas parade combo

I know that yesterday was the last day of November, but I am going to keep on going with my thankful posts.  I think it's good to try and find the good in things, and this being thankful thing I've had going on this blog is helping me find God's goodness all around me.  (Not that I didn't see it before, I'm just more purposeful in expressing my gratitude to God.)

So, on the last day of November, the thirtieth, I am thankful for our town, affectionately known as The Ville.  Did you know that I grew up in this town?  And though it's not a "small town" anymore, it still has that feel.  There's not a day that goes by when I go out that I don't see someone I know.  I love all the little things they do for us residents, too.  You saw the pictures from this week of what I'm talking about.  The town square tree lighting, the Christmas parade and this and next weekend there is Christmas on the Square, complete with horse-drawn carriage rides. 

See what I mean?  I seriously love this town. 

It costs more to live in this part of Memphis, but to us, it's well worth it.  And not even because of the schools anymore, but just because of the small town feeling. 

In the theme of day 30, I thought I would share some pictures from last night's Christmas parade.  It was so much fun, though not nearly cold enough for my taste!  We went with friends and had taco soup for dinner before the festivities began.  We ended up having lots more people with us than we thought we would, but it was fun.  More truly is merrier.  :)

I'm bummed that I didn't get a picture of all four of my kids together.  I didn't even get one of Drew and his friend Nate.  They were down quite a ways from where I was sitting, so maybe that's why. 

Fun times with friends!  There were a ton of kids around us.  Jonah and Noah were glad to see some friends from their previous elementary school.  It was like a little reunion for all of them...the funny thing about that is that the friends are as excited to see Jonah and Noah as Jonah and Noah are to see them!  So sweet.  

 I really liked this float.  I wish I could tell you what it was from, but my memory fails me. 

Santa always comes last.  His float is different every year, but this year's ride might be my favorite.  I love the old truck with all the lights. 

It was a great night.  After the parade ended, our friends came back home with us and we played cards until eleven.  We're so fortunate to have such sweet friends.  We love spending time with them on Friday nights, and I'm so glad that our kids get along so good. 

I hope you enjoy your weekend!  As I type this, I'm watching the SEC Championship game at a deafening volume.  My husband likes to coach from the couch, too.  We are leaving him at home, though.  When a big game is on, he is not suitable for company.  ;)  Roll Tide Roll!

Love to all. 

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