Sunday, December 9, 2012

catching up

December 6th~I am thankful for life.  Not just this life I have with my family, but LIFE, as in breathing, moving, being.   This is the day we celebrated my sweet step dad's birthday, and it just seems appropriate to celebrate life on this day.  And seriously, we have such a healthy family.  I am so thankful for that!  I pray I never take one day with my family for granted, not just my own immediate family, but all of our extended family.  We are so richly blessed!

December 7th~I am sure I've said it before, but I am so thankful for my Friday's with Dad.  You never know when your time on earth will end, and in this time I'm given on earth with my loved ones, I want to make sure I've created memories.  We talk about lots of stuff, Dad and I.  We always, always talk about how good God is, and we talk about the Bible.  He usually tells me some story from his younger days.  On this day, he told me there was this one Christmas when he was in the Navy that he couldn't go home.  He was so down in the dumps.  This is when I'll Be Home For Christmas became his favorite Christmas song. 

Anyway, they were on a ship and he and his friends decided they wanted to decorate for Christmas.  He offered to go buy all the decorations along with a nurse friend of his.  As she got in the car with him, he noticed she looked kind of nervous, so he asked what was wrong.  She replied that she had heard stories about his crazy driving, and she was a little apprehensive about riding in a vehicle with him!  That just cracks me up.  It would also explain why, when I was a teenager, someone close to me told me he could tell my dad had taught me how to drive.  When I asked what he meant, he said that I had a lead foot, just like good 'ol Dave Lloyd.  :) 

Precious memories and conversations, I tell you.  Priceless. 

December 8th~I am thankful for quality time spent with my mom.  Yesterday, she and I spent the whole day together.  She took me to pick out my birthday gift.  I don't often go shopping with her (because I hate shopping), and yesterday was a miserably rainy day, but we had such a great time.  We had our list of things we needed to do, and we accomplished them all, with the exception of one thing.  And I picked out a killer purse and wallet for my birthday.  !!!!!!  I can't wait to get it and start using it.  :) 

December 9th~Today I am thankful for the way kids' faces light up when they discover Ralphie, our elf.  Jonah loves him so much, much more than I thought he would.  And Noah loves him, too, though he's not as excited about him as Jonah is.  I love the way my older boys' faces light up, too.  Whether it's over a favorite cooked dinner they're excited about, or hearing something fun we'll be doing that day, or watching a movie, or the finale of a favorite show, I am so thankful that these precious boys are healthy and able to be excited about life.  I think of the verse in John chapter ten, verse ten that says, "I have come so that you may have life and have it to the full." 

Be blessed today, my friends, and remember to look for God's blessings all around you!  Love to all. 

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