Monday, December 10, 2012

another fun tradition (are you tired of them yet?)

If you are tired of them, I'm sorry!  I thought I would share some pictures with the non-Facebook peeps that might (or might not) read this. 

We went to the Enchanted Forrest today after Graham and Drew got out of school.  Our favorite Santa, Phyllis' cousin Kenny, is the Santa there.  He's amazing at what he does, and just so happens to take after his dad who passed away almost two years ago.  Every time I think about him, I get choked up, because he, too, was a sweet man.  

 I love the looks on Jonah's and Noah's faces!  So precious...these sweet boys that still believe.  I pray it lasts for another year, but I'm doubtful.  I LOVE how Noah has his hands clasped.  :)

I remember going to see this when I was a little girl.  It was my favorite thing then, too.  Here's all my favorite toys:

 It wouldn't be a night out if I didn't beg my favorite man for a quick snap shot...

 We both have such goofy smiles, but right up until I snapped this, he had been sticking his tongue out at my camera.  He's my lobster.  :)

Since they informed me I'd already gotten my "required one photo of the night out", they said they would pose for one more, but only if could be silly. 

I like it.  I like them even more.  My heart is so full. 

Thank You, Lord, for yet another night out...for another amazing year full of priceless memories...and for the gift that You gave us~life eternal with You.  Let me never take even one second for granted. 

He's been so good to us.  Love to all. 


  1. This is my favorite tradition! You made me cry again!!!!!

  2. It's one of mine, too! Thanks for a fun evening! Sorry I made you cry...I really don't aim for that, I promise!


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