Thursday, November 1, 2012

November?! Already???

I flipped over my calendar to November this morning.  I was struck by how fast this year has gone by.  I even voiced that to my husband.  It seems like just yesterday that I sat down to fill in all the birthdates for 2012 on our new calendar.  I can't be the only to think time is flying.  Can I?

Thanks to Facebook, I feel like a complete and total failure.  In scrolling through the pictures of perfection statuses last night, it dawned on me that I did not snap even one picture of my kids dressed up for Halloween.  How in the world does that happen?  Especially from this girl, who is ALWAYS taking pictures?  It's ridiculous.  The fact that I forgot.  I will say, though, that Graham and Drew didn't dress up.  Well, Graham put on a ski mask and Drew got a baseball bat (???) to trick-or-treat with, but they were in the puppet show at our church's Fall festival, so that hindered their dressing up.

On a positive note, while other moms were snapping pictures, I was making memories and helping my kids carve pumpkins.  Well, I helped Jonah and Noah.  Graham and Drew did theirs by themselves.  I was proud of them for doing such a great job.  Those suckers are not easy to carve! I also roasted some pumpkin seeds.  I wasn't that impressed, though.  They turned out kind of rubbery.  I baked them at 250 degrees for one hour, stirring in fifteen minute intervals.  I cooked them with butter, garlic salt and Worcestershire sauce.  It sure did smell good in my kitchen!

In other news, today was a fun day for Jonah and Noah.  Our homeschool group had a Fall festival/field day today after classes.  They did a craft and had some crazy scarecrow relay races.  While they ran their little hearts out, I kept toddlers.  :)  I'd forgotten how much work young kids are!  It makes me thankful that mine are all older now.  Although, part of me misses their cute little toddler selves.  But a bigger part of me is thankful for their age. 

I'm starting a thankful journal tomorrow.  I have a nice, new notebook all ready and waiting.  Someone told me that they did this last year and they were so encouraged by it, so I thought I would give it a try.  I think I've started one before, but I've never completed the full month.  I think I'm going to do mine all the way through Christmas, though.  I would like to take one thing each day to concentrate on and also take one attribute of God and do them side by side.  I can't wait to get started!

Well, my book is calling my name, and it's almost time for me to call it a night.  Love to all!


  1. Still love all of your blogs!!! I asked Noah at the church if you had taken their pictures because I was going to get one but he told me you did so I thought well I'm sure she will put it on fb and I will get it from there. Oh well!!! We know how cute they were (and always are!)

  2. I guess I didn't totally forget. I snapped one of Noah alone and Jonah alone. Jonah had his face painted at the time, but he ended up washing it off. Thanks for the compliment! But once they reach a certain age, they're not as cutesie. They also HATE getting their pictures made. Except for when I do it.


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