Because I feel as if this needs to a numbered list so I can stay focused, I'm going to number this. (Have I ever done that before on here? I don't know if this is proper or not, but here goes.)
1. I love this beautiful Fall weather! Even though it doesn't feel very Fall~ish, it at least looks the part. I feel so sorry for my friends and family that don't get to experience the seasons that I love so much. This pic below is kind of blurry because I took it while I was driving. Sorry!
I think my favorite Fall tree color is red. It's so bright and shocking that it always makes my heart happy.
2. Jonah and Noah have been sick~Jonah yesterday and Noah today. Due to that fact, we've yet to start school again. I plan on starting tomorrow, and hopefully we'll be super productive. Jonah did start and complete a book report today, so that's something. It took a while because I let him type it out on the computer.
Do you know this is the first time they have ever had to do a REAL book report? Schools today tend to "dumb things down", and they've done pizza box book reports, brown bag book reports, etc., but today, this boy learned how to do a good, old fashioned book report. (Was that a run-on sentence? I believe it might have been. Oops!)
3. Jonah is head over heels in love with Fab 5's McKayla Maroney. The Fab 5 gals are coming here Saturday night, and I would give my left arm to be able to take the boys to see them. Please pray with me that God provides a way! The tickets are pricey when you times them times six. Individually, they're not too bad, but for a Saturday night out with the six of us, well, you get the drift. If we somehow manage to pull it off, I am planning on it being a huge surprise. Jonah has slept with this in his bed every night since he first laid eyes on her.
Shoot, this one's blurry, too. Anyway, last night he was sleeping and woke up when Noah got sick. He smiled this smile that was so big that his dimples got lost. He looked at her when he smiled, mumbled something to her and went back to sleep. I'm telling you, the kid's got it bad.
4. I was vacuuming the floor today in all my spare time when I came upon this:
I almost tripped three different times on all these shoes. But I know that someday, I will miss this sight so bad. I will miss the moments when they are so loud I can barely hear myself think. I know I will miss all their messes, the cups they never seem to remember to load into the dishwasher, the clothes they always leave behind when I do laundry, the unmade beds, the messy pantry shelves, the fingerprints I see everywhere and the companionship of these four amazing boys. I know I will. From this moment on, I am choosing to be joyful in the mess that is my home. These moments won't last forever.
5. I got some really good reading time in today. I ended it with a treat for myself~reading my favorite book and chapter of the Bible. Colossians 3.
I love that Paul is telling the Colossians that they are dearly loved. It's a great reminder for us, as well. When we don't seem all that loveable, God, in His might splendor and majesty dearly loves us. You. Me.
How's your day going? Share the love! I miss all my commenting friends!
Love to all.
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the Wednesday hodgepodge
Happy Wednesday, friends! I'm linking up with Joyce today for the weekly hodgepodge. I always love this day of blog reading, and I ho...

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I think it's GREAT they did a real book report! I wish they'd do that in school rather than all these silly "reports".
ReplyDeleteHow CUTE about Jonah's crush. Kendall has it bad for Justin Bieber. She got tickets to his upcoming concert for her birthday. :) Needless to say, she's VERY excited!!
I hope the twins are feeling better. So hard to see our little ones sick!
I am really missing seeing your sweet face and smile at school. :( Let's get together soon!!!
I was very impressed with Jonah last night when he told me about doing his book report and how he typed it on the computer that that at the end of a paragraph he had to hit enter twice and then hit tab, and at the end of a sentence he had to space twice after the period. I sure wish adults remembered the proper way to do those things. I'm sure he also has learned to capitalize words at the beginning of a sentence and proper nouns. I asked him if he learned this in the curriculum or if you taught him and he said his Mama told him. You are doing a great job. I think they will learn more than they would in public school. I am so proud of you!!!! I am looking forward to our reading circle!
ReplyDeleteShari, I miss you, too! The downside to what we're doing now is not seeing my friends regularly. The upside is that I'm closer to my hubby and kids. It's a good balance. I would LOVE to get together soon! Maybe one day (if J and N spend the night with their Mimi) we could do breakfast or Starbucks. :)
ReplyDeletePhyllis, one of my biggest pet peeves is them not knowing how to properly write a report on the computer. I figured I'd start teaching them now, because they both hate to write. And really, we're in the age of technology, so if it's typed, I'm good with that. Thank you so much for your sweet compliment! I hope they're learning. I pray it's sinking in. I pray that they're at least close to where they need to be.
One thing homeschooling has given me (and lots of other wonderful things, too) is total trust and dependency on God. In Him, we can do all things.
Sorry to hear your kiddos have been sick :/ Hopefully they are feeling better.
ReplyDeleteSo funny to hear about Jonah's "love". aww! he's growing up momma!
Love you friend!
Thanks, Jaime! It's slowly making its way through all the kids. I think Drew might have been the one to start it off on our camping trip. :( He was sick for a whole day that we were gone. Graham came down with it last, but for some reason, it's hanging onto him.
ReplyDeleteThankfully we made it through the wedding rehearsal and wedding without him being too bad. He was okay tonight at the Fedex forum, too, but now he's not feeling so hot again.
Jonah's crush is a hoot. He's excited about church tomorrow so he can tell all his friends he met McKayla! HA!