Thursday, October 4, 2012



was my best friend my junior and senior year of high school.   And still is.  :-)

always made me laugh.  And he still does.

decided not to wait very long to ask me to marry him.  And I gladly accepted.

is a genuinely good person.  On one of our first dates, he brought my mom a dozen roses.

is an amazing father.

has this thing about wearing crazy shirts to make people laugh.

 is and forever will be my lobster.  :-)  (To get this, you had to have been an avid Friends watcher.)

took me out tonight for our sixteen wedding anniversary.

opens my doors and lets me go first. 

makes me try things I normally would never.  And I do...because I trust him and the fact that he has my best interests at heart.

takes me out for my favorite coffee drinks.

is an amazing husband, dad, son, son-in-law, brother, uncle and friend.

And the more time that goes by, the more I love him.

Love to all. 

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