Friday, September 7, 2012

things & such

My titles are always so original, aren't they?  I thought I had better post again so the first entry you see isn't quite so negative. 

Our week has been good.  Is it just me, though, or do short weeks always seem the longest?  All I have to say is, thank the good Lord that I am not working in an elementary school anymore!  Short weeks there were always the worst imaginable.  I'm thankful I was able to work there for the time that I did so I could be with my kids, but I'm also relieved to be away from it now.  And I love having Jonah and Noah home with me.  I wish Graham and Drew were here, too!  They're thinking about it for next year.  :-)

Drew had a big project due in science this week.  I am so proud of him for getting this done on Monday and Tuesday.  I didn't have to ask him, he just took that initiative himself.  While we were at Nana's and Big Daddy's on Monday for dinner, he found and painted a rock. 

His name is Jerry.  (Sorry for the bad quality of this pic...I didn't realize it was that bad until I saw it enlarged like this.)

On Tuesday, Graham auditioned for the worship band at church.  :-)  I'm so proud of him and his confidence in the abilities that God has given him.  He sang TobyMac's Me Without You and I think he might have played the drums.  I think where they need help the most is with the drums.  He was given an "assignment" learn a couple songs and give it a go one night in Wednesday night service. 

Since summer has officially ended with the passing of Labor day, I cannot wait to go camping!  We have an amazing new tent to try out...not bigger than our other one, but taller than the one we used previously.  It'll be awesome to not have to stoop over to get to the places we'll be sleeping.  I am officially done with the hot weather, too.  It's September, and we're still under heat advisories. 

Doesn't that look amazing?!  Except for the bottle of beer that she has in her hand...I will replace that with hot chocolate of a cup of fresh coffee.  :-)  I can't wait! 

Yesterday, we had our day of school at Germantown Presbyterian.  We all love it.  Jonah and Noah got to cook yesterday in their Continental Cooking class.  They made tacos.  They also ate grapes and some type of bread, as they talked about Egypt in their geography class, and they had cherry turnovers in their last class.  I love my Bible study class.  It's not my usual easy, flowery type of Bible study, either.  It's hard.  It's an in-depth look at God's written word.  It's called Precept Upon Precept.  The teacher is an amazingly gifted woman who is very easy to listen to. 

So, that's about it for our week.  It's been good!  Our new curriculum is due to arrive today, well at least part of it, and I can't wait to unpack it and look at all.  The rest will arrive on Monday and hopefully on Tuesday, we'll be back to our new normal routine of school.  I am excited about getting back into it all.

How has your week been?  Share the love and comment!  I feel like I'm writing in the black hole again.  ;-)

Love to all. 


  1. I Have been reading your blog for a few months now and am enjoying it a lot ! I have 4 boys. 3,2 and soon to be 1 year old twins :)


  2. Hi, Alisha! Thank you for the sweet words! My gosh, just seeing your boys' ages brings back memories for me! When my twins were born, my older two were two and three. The next day the oldest turned four, so that's the amount of years between the oldest and youngest.

    Do you have a blog? How did you find me? Just curious. Thanks again for the sweet words! God bless!

  3. My oldest will turn 4 2 weeks after the babies turn one. :) I don't blog, not much of a writer but I like to read, especially when the situation is similar :) trying to raise 4 Christian boys worries me sometimes. I really don't remember how I found your blog. I think it might of been a link from a link in another blog ??


Thank you for taking the time to comment on my blog!

Friday Favorites, 3.28.2025.

  Happy Friday, friends! It's my favorite day of the week, and I am excited for my weekend. How's your week been? I had what felt li...