Monday, September 17, 2012

blah Monday

Today is rainy.  There's some little ping, ping, ping going on in my fireplace that is quite mesmerizing, although potentially bad.  It's probably the leak that we had fixed once, the repair that didn't work. 

I am thankful everyday to be a stay-at-home-wife, but today, I am extra thankful.  I'm thinking it's going to be a take a shower and put on clean pajamas kind of day.  Although, maybe not, because I do need to get to the store at some point.  Maybe for just a couple or four things, though, since it is raining and all.  And tonight I'm going to a painting party that my friend and neighbor Katie invited me to.  We're painting a cross.  :-)  Did you know that I love crosses? 

This is my stairwell wall.  I've added several more since this was taken back in May. 

Other goings-on from this weekend included three of my kids starting lacrosse Fall ball.  Jonah, Drew and Graham.  Noah wants to stick with baseball.  It's a short season~only about a month, with practices on Friday late afternoons and Sunday afternoons after church.  I have no idea when "games" will be played, although I don't think they'll be playing real games, probably just scrimmages. 

Saturday I went out with my mom and sister, Lisa.  It was really nice and it's been a while since I've done that.  We had dinner at mom's Saturday night, too.  Yesterday it was church and practice.  Our neighbor's kids came and stayed with us for a few hours, too, which Jonah and Noah loved. 

And that's about it~our weekend in a nutshell.  How was yours?  Share the love and comment!

Love to all. 


  1. Wow!!! I love getting up early on Monday morning and seeing a new blog from you. You are on the ball today! I always look last thing before I shut my computer off at night and first thing in the morning to see if you have written!!!! You didn't make me cry this time, I just smiled really big. Since you asked....we had a great weekend. Friday night we went to a fellowship party with the A-Z class and had good food and fellowship and enjoyed listening to Pastor Paul Ai tell about his ministry. Saturday we worked at the Sentimental Journey show that Fed Ex put on for the WWII Vets, at our church. We helped direct people where they needed to go and answered questions, which was fun. I thanked as many military people as I could, young and old, for serving our country. One WWII vet gave me a big hug for thanking him. It was an unbelievably great show and we had a lot of fun. Another good day at church with a 4:30 rehearsal for our concert we are doing next Sunday morning. It is going to be great too!!! Well, I feel like I have written a blog now. Have a wonderful day!!! Bunches and bunches of love!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for the comment! I love comments, my heart gets all full when I see it say something different than "No Comments". So thank you!

    Sounds like a great weekend. I saw some pics of the concert Saturday night, and I wish we had been there! I'm glad I didn't make you cry. :-) I wrote this before I took Graham and Drew to school this morning. I was waiting a little later since it was raining and they didn't want to stand outside.

    Love you!


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