Wednesday, September 19, 2012

another day in pictures

Are you tired of my pictures yet?  It will probably become more of a challenge to keep taking different pictures each day.  But I do love to picture-take.  :-)  And I do love to take pictures of my older boys, too, but they're not around as much.  And they are selective about who takes what kind of picture of them.  When I am lucky enough to get a shot of them, they make me promise not to post it to Instagram.  I usually do, though, on the sly.  Because that's what kind of a mom I am. 

I will share that today was an amazingly gorgeous day outside.  In honor of this beautiful day that God gave us, we had school outside at the park.  We were there for about two and a half hours, and left to come home only because we got hungry.

We took our books, our jackets and Jonah took his truck.

See?  It's great fun to a nine year old boy to slide your monster truck down a slide.  I love this picture~check out the sun's rays coming down on this precious little guy of mine.  And that face...oh my.

Not to be outdone, this little dude is pretty good-lookin', too.

Not that you can see his face, but is his position not funny?  He was doing his language for the day, and making new sentences out of run-on sentences.  He does not love to write, which is probably why he had assumed this position.

They would work through a subject, and they would take a break.  And while they did that, I did this:

I do love some outside time spent in God's word.  I can't wait for tomorrow's reading time~I'm starting in the book of Esther, which just so happens to be another favorite of mine.  Thanks to Beth Moore, that is.  She wrote an amazing Bible study to go along with that book in the Bible and she does have this way of making the story come to life like only she can.  I would love to start another one of her studies, so if you're in my area and reading this and know of any upcoming studies of hers that might be done in your church, let me know.  We're not allowed to do hers in my church anymore.  :-(  I'm not even going to go there right now, but I totally disagree with what people in my church who are saying I don't need to do anything else by her.


And last, but not least...

It's a good thing he's cute.  It helps me like him more.  And what's a post without a picture of our furry friends?

How was your day?  Share the love and let me know what you've been up to!  Love to all.

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