Wednesday, August 22, 2012

some factual things

I have a permanent crick in my neck.  :-(  I really need to make the time to get into a chiropractor!  But that's the problem; I seem to not have a lot of time nowadays.  Let me correct that sentence~I don't have a lot of FREE time. 

Today was an awesome day.  School was long for us (it is going to be long every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday), but we got SO MUCH accomplished!  A huge bonus was re-teaching Noah how to hold his pencil properly.  That poor child has struggled in writing for what seems like forever, and today, we corrected a lot of those struggles.  His letters became clearer, too.  It was amazing!  I have a sheet of paper that he started yesterday, then today he finished it.  You should see the transformation.  It touched my heart so much that I was compelled to take a picture:

Look at that sweet baby holding his pencil so nicely!  His teacher from last year would be so proud.  :-)  I love this picture, too.  Look at those gorgeous eyes and eyelashes.  Sweet boy. 

And because I could never be unfair, I took this one, too:

Such concentration!  And yes, I was so drinking an afternoon cup of coffee.  I have resorted to saving my coffee each morning, in case I should need another cup.  And yes, Phyllis, I know I used to make fun of you for that.  I am so sorry! 

The dogs drive me crazy sometimes.  Today was not one of those times.  I snapped this while they were being all cute:

Crash thought Andy made a nice foot rest. 

And lastly (with the pictures, I mean), I felt bad that they were having to write (because they hate it), so I joined in the fun.  Except for me, it really is fun.  Hence this whole blog. 

I had a moment of inspiration, thanks to KLove this afternoon.  :-) 

We have God~moments throughout our day.  Do you?

Jonah had a little thrill this afternoon when he heard his teacher say his name during his online class time.  :-)  They also really enjoyed getting to talk to the teacher who's been assigned to them, Mrs. Bible.  She called us today to meet them (and me), and she asked them some really sweet questions. 

I still get a kick out of her name. 

How was your day?  Ours was wonderfully productive.  I'm feeling so good about it that I am thinking of going to read their science book before tomorrow comes, so that I can be prepared.  And yes, I still hate science, but I am determined to hide that from them, since it's their favorite subject.  On a good note, it's been a whole week since I've had a science nightmare.  Literally, I had a bad dream about science.


Love to all. 


  1. I am glad that you are getting into your groove and enjoying your new homeschooling adventure. We are still waiting to see how things are going to be this year. Kind of a rocky start. :(

  2. Thank you! I am loving having them at home, however, we are not loving the curriculum. We are in the process of changing it all...we plan on making some orders over the weekend, then re-starting when we receive it all. Yikes! A little freaky, but I think it'll all turn out.

    I'm sorry you've gotten a rocky start. I feel a phone call coming on. Wanna chat later?


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