Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Independence Day

We had our Independence day celebration last night.  Our sweet neighbors, Katie and Travis, invited us over to swim and cookout.  We didn't buy our own fireworks, though.  We're under a burn ban (which, apparently, some people don't care about) and I figured we probably shouldn't. 

We did, however, watch some of these.

Our town puts on a pretty amazing fireworks show.  I just so happen to know the lady in charge of them, too.  Her name is Tammy Townsend, and she was Jonah's second grade teacher.  She's a pyromaniac on the side.  ;-)

She'll tell you that herself. 

It was a nice night.  We don't have much on our agenda for today.  I just had to wake all the boys up, because it's almost ten o'clock and they had to go let out the neighbor's dogs.  (They're dog sitting this week.)  Todd is still upstairs, too.  And me...well, I've been on Facebook and chatting with a sweet friend who lives on Okinawa.  She's coming into town this coming week and we made some plans to get together. 

Happy Independence day to you!  As you celebrate today, don't forget to pray for our nation and our leaders.  Also pray for the morale of our troops...these are things I don't always remember to pray for, but today, I plan on spending a little time doing just that.  I hope you do, too.

Love to all. 

1 comment:

  1. I didn't realize Tammy was in charge of them here. How cool is that! It was definitely an awesome show, as always!!


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